9L1BTB's radio shack

The Republic of SIERRA LEONE.
Sierra L map QTH Freetown - Juba Hill
Latitude: 08.26N
Longitude: 013.16W
Grid square: IJ38ik
The high above sea level (ASL): 27 mtr's

The shack


My equipment
TransceiverAmplifierAntenna 1Antenna 2 Antenna 3Antenna 4Antenna 5
At presentIcom 706 MKIIG
Icom 7000
Icom 7600
5 bands Yagi
3.5&7MHz dipole
home made
80/160m inv V
D-162 by Spi-Ro Mfg
10 MHz dipole
home made
6m 5el Yagi
by sp7gxp
In the past Barrett 950 EMTRON DX-1b 160m dipole
home made
80/40m dipole
home made
Barrett BC91200
multi-wire broadband dipole
10 MHz dipole
home made
6m 5el Yagi
by sp7gxp

Power source
Basic Power werx SS-30DV Alternate car battery + automatic charger Schauer "Four Seasons" TB20012-240

Digital mode
microKEYER II by microHAMMMTTY
well known
no need introduction
W1sql PSK 31 Comp.
ASUS Windows 7

My first radio contact under 9L1BTB call sign I made with W4ZV on 28.273 MHz using Barret 950 trnsceiver and Barrett-dipole antenna on 28 October 2001.
Here you can see my QSL cards.

A few words about Barrett transceiver: the Barrett 950 is 450 channel HF transceiver with a frequency range 1.6 to 30 MHz. Operating from 12 Volt (13.8 VDC) DC supplies, the transmitter rated at 125watt PEP. As you can see there is no tuning knob, but I can tune the receiver with the steep as low as 1Hz (1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1kHz...). That time I was hardly changing frequency.... I was DX station.
I run the Barrett broadband multi-wire antenna in inverted V configuration - see sketch and photo.
Barrett multiwire antenna was repalced by the TA53M Mosley five bands Yagi on 21 July 2002.

Barrett BC 91200Barrett - broadband multi-wire aerial.

Mosley TA53M

TA 53 Mosley – “fivebander”.

dream 80/160 magnetic loopA "Dream antenna" - magnetic loop for low bands....the only problem is how to keep this monster in the air.
Would you like to know more click here

Emtron Dx-1b An internal view of the Emtron Dx-1b, an amplifier with GU-74b inside (photo from the Emtron webpage). My experience with DX1b is here.

straight key iambic by SP6...BY-2
My first straight key (previously used on Antonov-26 aircraft) and its replacement Made in Poland (SP6...) - quite comfortable, it was with me for more than five years. The last one, Bencher BY-2.
