9A1CAL Tropo Grid Squares

Here is map of the squares (157) worked tropo from JN86EL (335 m ASL). It is including only pure tropo propagation QSO-s without any doubt (no ionoscatter, no fai, mix with MS or similar). ODX is QSO with GM4AFF from IO86ST, 1726 km.

I found in one ham book following statement: "Ionospheric propagations are for DX-ing, tropospheric for short distance QSO" (hi). True, DX over 1100 km tropo is rare on 2m, but, more rare - more pleasure!

Note: Map is incomplete, covering period from summer 1998 to the end of the year 2002 only. Some squares are missing, incl. one duct to EA3 / EA5. List will be updated in the future.