Welcome to 9A-DXP-G
temporary Home page!
* reconstruction in
progress *
The aim of this pages is
information about activities of 9A-DXP-G in this summer.
We are very sorry because our home server is in reconstruction, and we can't update our
old Home page with new information.
We hope that actual problem with our home server will be resolved very soon and we will
update it.
If you want visit old pages (with DXP archives, pictures and more) go on
Croatian DXpedition group (9A-DXP-G) is a group of amateur-radio
who like to work in DX & CONTEST expeditions, with main purpose to promote
a work on the amateur-radio bands from rare WW square, DXCC, IOTA groups
and WLH points with all mode and on all amateur-radio bands.
You are visitor nr. from July 10, 2000.
Last change 10/01/04 11:08:44 by 9a3pa & 9a3za