Welcome to the OH2BH 50th Birthday Celebration!

9Y4VT Year 198x

"9Y4VT 5NNN" has been the trademark of a winning contest station in recent years. Operated by Dick Norton, N6AA, the station has captured all the trophies and set new records for both CQWW Phone and CW. Being a past record holder, having known Dick for many years and now having met 9Y4VT himself, I can only say that the victories are surely held by a team that represents the spirit of fair play in amateur radio contesting at its very best. I had the honor to guest-operate 9Y4VT- to be their house guest, to experience the notorious line noise and to compete against my own co-combatants in the "Downhill Contesting Team", thus racing against the operator of 9Y4VT from the station of 9Y4VT. That was a unique opportunity and quite a thrill.

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