Welcome to the OH2BH 50th Birthday Celebration!

6T1YP Year 1980

The Youth Palace is performing important tasks for the young people of the Sudan in many educational areas, including physics, chemistry, sports, music and the arts.
The Physics Department takes great pride in having trained Amateur Radio operators at their newly established club station 6T1YP. The Yugoslav (SRJ), German (DARC) and Finnish (SRAL) national societies as well as the Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) deserve recognition for their contribution.
As invited guests for training and lecturing, we managed to open the station 6T1YP for international friendship between the Sudan and the rest of the world. Some 10.000 QSO�s were logged during four nights of operation.
Mr. Amir Kobani (now 6U1AA), Director of the Palace, and Secretary General Kabbar, ST2FF, Acted as our excellent hosts and many plans were developed promoting Amateur Radio in the Sudan. We have the reason to be proud of having the Youth Palace and their fine people in the ranks of Amateur Radio.

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