I came across the homepage of Arthur, DL7AHW and after some e-mails forth and back I adopted his formulas.
The components from "space" to TRX in my setup are:
- Capacitor, aluminium household foil, 440mm high on PVC tube, 53mm diameter x 2m
- Inductor coil 15 turns of solid installation wire below capacitor
- λ/4 Coax from Coil to RF-Choke, inner conductor connected to coil, sleeve open (!)
- RF Choke, 8 turns RG 174 on Amidon FT 114/43 (W1JR-style)
- Coax, any length to TRX
Cap-Antenna for 20m on my terrace (note power-lines at same level!)
25/05/09, 15.55, OH1TD, Tony, Korpo Is., EU-096, RST 59 out, 54 in,
25/05/09, 19.11, SM6EGJ, Dan, Eggby, RST 59+ out, 57 in
Details of coil and connections
Cap-Antenna at final place on roof, 12m/ground
Additional capacitance for fine tuning