511 Repeater Association
Membership Information

    If you are interested in becoming a supporting user of the 511 and 444.075 Repeater Systems, please read on! 511 is Indiana's First and Finest Multiple Link Repeater System. Operating with unprecedented reliability since 1985, the 511 Repeater System and it's sister machine, the 444.075, are your best choice for membership. If you're looking for toll-free autopatch calling to Marion, Morgan, Johnson, and Shelby Counties and some of the best coverage in Indiana, a membership to the 511 Repeater Association is for you! Dues are only $20.00 per year, and even those who do not actually use the system that much still support it because it is of such great quality! What more could you want? Click on the link below and get your application today!

Click here for a 511 Application! (PDF Format; Requires Adobe Acrobat)

When you have filled out your application and enclosed your check for only $20.00, send it to:
511 Repeater Association - PO Box 771 - Franklin, Indiana - 46131

© Copyright 2001, 511 Repeater Association. All Rights Reserved.