Station Description of ZS6VER

This is what My shack looks like!

shack.jpg - 40564 Bytes


As you can see it is a bit of a mess but then I am forever changing and upgrading, that is half the fun !

My station consists of:

1)     Yaesu FT-890 with home-brew linear (using 4-250 valves) used mainly on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 m.
2)     Yaesu FT-107M with Yaesu FL2100Z linear, used mainly on 160, 80, 40 and 30m.
3)     Icom IC-706 MKII with home-brew linears for 6 and 2m, used mainly on 2 and 6m nad DX-peditions.
4)     Alinco DR-605 dual bander used mainly for local 2m and 70cm FM work.
5)     Kenwood TS-120S used for QRP CW work.
6)     Home-brew transverters for 435 and 1296 Mhz.
7)     Yaesu FT-707 with FV-707 transverters for 430 Mhz and 50 Mhz as backup.
8)     Various older radio like Kenwood TS-520, Yaesu FT-101 and FT-200, Heathkit SB-102, because I love them and REAL radios glow in the dark -:)!

My (growing) antenna farm includes:

1)     12 element long boom home-brew yagi for 2m.
2)     5 element yagi for 2m FM.
3)     17 element home-brew yagi for 70 cm.
4)     5 element home-brew yagi for 6m.
5)     TH5DX tri-band yagi for 10, 15 and 20m.
6)     Dipoles for 40, 20 and 10m.
7)     Long wire antenna (40m) for 80 and 160m.
8)     Hustler BTV4 vertical for 10, 15, 20 and 40m.

I am also currently building 5 element monobanders for 10, 15 and 20m. I also need to do something better for 80 and 160m. 12, 17 and 30m needs some attention as well !
