Rudi's Photo Gallery - Antennas


Here are some photos of past and present antennas at ZS6DX. I try to update this as often as possible.

Home-brew 6m Log yagi.
Cushcraft A4S and 5 element 2m yagi. The A4S is a great antenna !
Inverted V antennas for 12, 17, 30, 40 and 80m at 20m above ground.
2m 12 element yagi on 6m boom and 70cm 15 element yagi.

A4S with 6m antenna in the lowered position above the roof.

Antenna setup for a VHF/UHF multi operator contest station, not an ideal location but still fun and we managed to show a few new hams
and prospective hams what contesting is all about.