Aircraft Scatter

ZS6BTE   14 August 2013



Path Geometry

The underlying mechanism is VHF and UHF tropospheric scatter. In Fig 1 aircraft flying close to Rx will produce large Doppler shifts, with the characteristic amplitude “flutter” and Doppler shift known to all VHF enthusiasts, but this echo is of a transient nature and is not particularly useful. A QSO over this distance will be possible under normal operation.

Of much greater interest is working the path Rx to Tx, and provided the horizons are not too obstructed distances of 600 km or more may be worked.

Detection of aircraft uses bistatic radar theory, where the RX and TX are separated, and there is an angle between the aircraft and both. Then amplitude flutter and the Doppler frequency shifts are more easily understood, as well as the steady received signal amplitude and lack of Doppler when aircraft are on the direct path Rx-Tx.

The scatter volume ABC has a profound effect on the link and defines the signal strength received. BC represents the maximum height of around 10000m (33000 ft) used by jet liners on long flights.

At altitudes below Tx - A - Rx, aircraft produce no receivable echoes due to terrain screening and remain invisible.

Fig 1: Tropo scatter path between Randburg and Kimberley, not to scale


When one of the sites has an inferior horizon, the scatter volume moves closer to it and is no longer at the mid-way point. This increases the scatter angle and reduces the overall path capabilities.

My system monitors the tropo scatter path between Randburg and Kimberley (on the flight path to Cape Town), a distance of about 428 km and various other paths in other directions. The RX consists of an IC-R8500 with hi-stab oscillator and there are four commercial high gain, phased TV antennas with a UHF preamp. Also in use is a home brew log periodic antenna for VHF 144 MHz through 250 MHz which receives the same TX on VHF. This allows instant comparison between VHF and UHF aircraft scatter using the same Tx source.

Frequency accuracy is confirmed with a GPS-locked external oscillator used off-air.

The system is able to continually monitor the signals from this SABC site where the EIRP is around 160 kW, despite non-optimum horizons only 5-7 km from my QTH.



Fig 2: UHF RX array – 16 phased reflex dipoles gain about 16 dBi, with MOSFET preamp


Fig 3: SABC TV TX site 20 km s/e of Kimberley (Google Earth). The TXs transmit on VHF and UHF, very convenient for research purposes



VHF 175.223998 MHz – on rubidium frequency standard (my measurement value)

UHF 495.249575 MHz – free running oscillator

TV transmitter beam patterns

TV broadcast beams have a vertical beam width of some 2 degrees and are set up to cover an omni directional target radius of about 50km, so are aligned at an elevation angle of about -1.5 degrees. Otherwise, if aimed at the horizon typically as much as 100 km distant from these elevated sites, half the ERP would disappear uselessly into space. This offset with respect to the horizon of 3 dB or more has not been incorporated in the calculation for tropo scatter path loss in the Appendix.

Aircraft flying directly above a TV TX, even only a few hundred metres, produce no aircraft scatter reflections – they have to be some distance, typically a minimum of 50 km under typical jet liner flight discipline involving height above local ground level, to cause reflections except when landing or taking off.

Aircraft echoes

A waterfall type display with a FFT of 65k is useful in reducing the noise floor by some 15 dB and transient events are easily displayed on a fast PC. USB is used, with a convenient offset of about 1 kHz to make the carriers audible. Using the UHF frequency from the Tx:


Fig 4: Barely detectable aircraft near Kimberley at top. F = 495.2495 MHz


One of the aircraft is visible for 22 minutes.

The 50 Hz ‘birdies’ are QRM from a free running power supply in the neighbourhood. The TV carrier is barely visible at the noise floor despite the strong FFT.

The traces arise from echoes off the aircraft bodies; with a very small Doppler shift around 1-2 Hz at most. Aircraft, previously obscure, become strongly visible in the vicinity of the direct line.

Note both aircraft, jet airliners, fading at the top of the scan as they approach Tx, are wobbling around a few metres as readily seen – the technique amplifies the effect on the direct line of site Rx-Tx.


Fig 5: Flight radar showing the two aircraft near Kimberley TX


The flight path from OR Tambo airport-RX-Kimberley TV TX is essentially a straight line and is ideal for researching tropo scatter and aircraft forward scatter.



Aircraft must fly closely along the direct line of site Tx – Rx and in the tropo scatter volume (sometimes called the ‘common volume’) to produce the wanted enhanced forward scatter effect. The signal level at Rx is lifted from noise level to over 30 dB above noise under this condition.


Fig 6: First 50 Hz sidebands at least 25 dB down in a correctly set up TV TX. This is the enhanced reception via aircraft forward scatter


Amplitude is comparatively stable +/- 2 dB versus the normal several cycles per second 10-20 dB fading on the tropo path. Frequency 495 MHz.



Fig 7: Normal signal level via tropo scatter, no enhancement – carrier at noise level


In Fig 7 there is no sign of the 50 Hz sidebands around the carrier so the enhancement due to the aircraft forward scatter exceeds 28 dB based on the level of the 3 rd pair of sidebands barely visible in Fig 6.

The carrier at 1634 Hz is Nelspruit TV TX (distance 311 km) off the side of the antenna.


Fig 8: Mild enhancement, the aircraft is probably in the space RX-A-C in Fig 1


When not in the tropo scatter volume, there is still some enhancement of the signal. Here the aircraft has not entered the scatter volume and is flying in the air space below A-C, but just above Rx – A (and also directly between Rx and Tx as evidenced by the lack of Doppler frequency shift on the carrier - peak hold of several seconds used in the spectrum analyser) so the signal benefit is more limited, typically around 0 to 20 dB or so.

This scattering effect greatly increases the virtual height of Rx, which reduces the angle Tx – A – Rx and the tropo scatter path loss by that amount. The tropo scatter path loss over such a distance is enormous (~238 dB), approaching that of an EME return path (~254 dB) at the frequency 175 MHz


Entry into or Fading from Enhancement


Fig 9a: The rise and fall of signal level around enhancement is very abrupt


As an aircraft enters or leaves the scatter volume ABC, the signal rises or falls rapidly, in a second or two. In the figure above the aircraft is entering the scatter volume. Sidebands of the TV signal, previously invisible, are brought up strongly above the ambient noise level.

When in the scatter volume the Rx-Tx path is enabled due to the strong echoing, enabling QSOs of several minutes.


Fig 9b: Enhancement when possibly still between Rx and A in Fig 1.

Caveat regarding possible alternative position for aircraft

In Fig 9b, the aircraft highlighted has apparently just taken off from the nearby (50 km or so) OR Tambo airport as illustrated by the huge Doppler shift, gained some height, possibly 3000m or so a.g.l, and then lined up with the direct path to Kimberley and Cape Town which will coincide with the line Rx-Tx in Fig 1. The enhancement here may be explained by a reduction of possibly 2-3 degrees in the tropospheric scatter angle C-A-Rx by increasing the apparent height of the antenna at Rx to above Rx-A. The improvement is a 10 dB increase in signal to noise per 1 degree reduction in the scatter angle. This increases the S+N ratio by that amount (here around 30 dB), making the previously invisible sidebands visible.

This might explain the strange, alternating enhancement-slight fade-enhancement-fade shown in Fig 9b and arises probably from the aircraft barely above the line Rx-A in Fig 1. This form of enhancement is useless for QSO purposes because the aircraft is well short of the scatter volume and invisible to a receiver located at Tx (with the TX now at Rx). For QSO purposes the aircraft should be in the scatter volume at the nominal mid-point on most tropo scatter paths.


Fig 10: The aircraft 5 Hz HF of the carrier frequency shows some enhancement, but not enough to show the sidebands


In the spectrogram above, three aircraft are flying directly between Rx and Tx. However, one is 5 Hz or so high of perfect alignment and this displacement is sufficient to nullify the full benefit. So sidebands from the other two aircraft more closely along the path are visible, note the double sidebands and the abrupt rise in signal strength as the first of these two aircraft enter the scatter volume and is visible for 9 minutes.

This is ample time for a QSO.

In this approximately 13 minute sequence 10 aircraft echoes are visible.

Does refraction from an aircraft’s wake explain the enhancement?


Fig 11: Severe weather conditions, TV carrier dispersed on tropo scatter link


When weather conditions are turbulent on the tropo scatter path, there is considerable dispersal of the radio carrier in both amplitude and frequency ‘width’. This is very visible in Fig 11. It has been suggested that the turbulence created in the hot wake of an aircraft is responsible for the considerable enhancement by refraction and the aircraft’s body is not the reflecting medium. In Fig 11 there does not appear to be a displacement of the carrier necessary to support the possibility. It is necessary to observe a disconnect between the aircraft’s echo and the ‘echo’ from the refraction cone to prove this theory. The aircraft, seen to be wobbling in the wind, does not have this signature, despite severe spread of the TV carrier in the prevailing conditions. Compare to typical conditions in Fig 12 featuring two aircraft near the direct line.


Fig 12: Normal weather conditions on link


Lightning Discharges


Fig 13: Lighting flash shows apparent bistatic Doppler effects


Lightning discharges appear as semi-regular disturbances and are readily displayed through 900 MHz. The duration of a decent lightning burst at UHF is as much as 0.6 seconds. A narrow band ham rig in USB is unlikely to capture the huge Doppler shift, but will capture the residual ionization hanging in the air as an echo from the carrier.

If the ionized plasma path created during lighting discharges shows Doppler effects as in Fig 13, presumably by displacement in the jet stream at approximately the same altitude and distance as a jet aircraft en route, one could reasonably expect an aircraft’s wake to be similarly displaced by the jet stream particularly when across the direct path. This should become visible in Fig 11, creating a dual echo, one off the body of the aircraft under autopilot regime and another being the echo resulting from refraction in the displaced wake which is obviously not under autopilot control. But I have never noticed this possible refraction from the wake.

In Fig 13 the antenna is pointed south and the jet stream is from west to east across the path with a velocity of around 110 miles per hour (50m/s), and in a period of 0.6 seconds would displace the ionized path about 30m, so the mostly negative Doppler shift manifest on most of the carriers, except Bethlehem where the weather is still arriving, would imply an increase in bistatic range being a horizontal shift of 30m during the time the ionization lasts. This is displayed in the frequency domain in Fig 13 as a shift of about 30 Hz, but I have noted much more at times. Of course one never knows if the lighting is discharging horizontally, or vertically, over possibly several km. Aircraft are visible on some traces.

The swing in the carrier frequency at Bloemfontein is a peculiarity in the LO of the TX used and common to the entire range used by that particular TV service in South Africa. But notice how closely the Doppler on lightning ionization correlates with that carriers’ movement.

Further information

Rex Moncur, VK7MO published very useful data on the effect of bistatic forward scatter on various aircraft and concluded there is an enhancement of about 20 dB on the 2m and about 30 dB on the 70cm and 23cm ham bands above the expected monostatic (back scattered) echo level.

He found there is a direct correlation between the calculated forward scatter radar cross section of the aircraft and the observed results. In Table 11, experimental results across these bands, amateur signals received under typical scenarios were between 0.035 and 0.6 µV (-136 to -111 dBm), i.e. from noise level up to solid signals and this information will be of direct use.

I too, have found enhancements above noise level around 25 dB at 175 MHz, and some 10 dB more on UHF as depicted in the illustrations above and can concur with Rex’s calculations and results.

References- web available

Aircraft Enhancement – Some Insights from Bistatic Radar Theory - Rex Moncur, VK7MO

Klein Heidelberg – a WW2 bistatic radar system that was decades ahead of its time - Hugh Griffiths and Nicholas Willis

Russian / PLA Low Band Surveillance Radars - Technical Report APA-TR-2007-0901 by Dr Carlo Kopp

Passive Bistatic Radar - Professor Hugh Griffiths

A Little Flutter on VHF - RSGB Bulletin Nov 1966 - G3BGL


Appendix – calculations

Tropospheric Path Calculations

These calculations will provide an indication of the signal to be expected from a distant VHF or UHF transmitter. Anything above this is the scatter gain off the aircraft. For QSO usage, calculate the S+N/N ratio for the path using the partner stations’ ERP and add about 25 to 30 dB (VHF vs. UHF) to test the direct path feasibility – the aircraft must be on this direct path.

A pure tropospheric scatter path will provide an average signal around the calculated value, which will pulse up and down several cycles per second. Note that an increase of 1 degree in the scatter angle (Fig 12) due to horizon blocking adds 10 dB to the path loss. Changes in the surface refractivity index will show up readily as day/night or seasonal variations in link performance.


Figure 11: Bending of radio beam due to refraction (a = true Earth radius)


Fig 12: Geometry of scatter path

The steps to follow are:

1. Scatter angle

2. Path loss

3. System noise temperature

4. Signal to noise ratio

Using the VHF Tx on 175.25 MHz and log periodic antenna with no preamp:


Tropospheric Scatter Angle

R                      =          4/3 earth radius (8446 km)

d                      =          great circle path distance 428 km

h1 and h2              =          respective antenna heights above sea level,1.65 and 1.385 km

h11 and h12           =          height of radio horizons above sea level, 2 and 1.235 km

d1 and d2          =          great circle distance between radio horizons and respective antennas,

                                    5 and 100 km

scatter angle Ө =          Ө0 - Ө1 - Ө2 radians

  where         Ө0 =         d/R

                    Ө1 =         ((h1- h11)/d1 + d1/2R)

                    Ө2 =         ((h2- h12)/d2 + d2/2R)

So scatter angle=          428/8448 – ((1.65-2)/5 + 5/16896) – ((1.385-1.235)/100 + 100/16896)

                        =          0.050663 – (0.069704) – (0.007419)

                        =          0.112948 radians

                        =          6.5 degrees

Tropospheric Scatter Path Loss

LP                    =          tropospheric scatter path loss, dB

LFS                   =          free space path loss, 92.4+20log dkm +20 log FGHz

LS                           =          normalized all year scatter loss at NS, 57 + 10log(0-1) + 10log(F/0.4)

NS                          =          surface refractivity index, around 300 in South Africa

 So LP                   =          LFS +  LS – 0.2(NS – 300) dB

                        =          (92.4+20log428+20log0.17525) + (57+10(6.5-1)) + 10log(0.17525/0.4)

                        =          (129.9) + (112.0) + (-3.58)

                        =          238.32 dB

System Noise Temperature

TSYS                       =          α(Tα) +  To(1-α) + T1 + Tm/gm-1


α          =          transmission line coefficient as a factor, 0.8 for 1 dB loss

            Tα           =          temperature of transmission line, k, equal to To for uncooled lines

            To           =          ambient temperature k, typically 290

            T1           =          temp of 1st RF amplifier stage, 2500k (noise temp of Rx-no preamp used)

            Tm          =          temperature of 2nd RF amplifier stage

            gm-1        =          gain of stage T1

since no masthead preamp was used the noise figure of the Rx is taken and Tm/gm-1 is set to = 0

      so TSYS         =          0.8(290) + 290(1-0.8) + 2500 + 0

                        =          2790k

Signal to Noise Ratio over tropospheric scatter path

SNR                 =          Po +Gt + Gr – LP - Pn


            Po                  =          output power of TV TX, 10 kW (40 dBW)

            Gt                  =          gain of Tx antenna, dBi (12)

            Gr                  =          gain of Rx antenna, dBi (11.5)

            LP                  =          tropospheric scatter path loss, dB (238.3)

Pn              =            noise power ratio of Rx 10log FkTB, -150.8, k is Boltzman’s constant 1.38 x 10-23 and B = 2500 Hz in USB, T= TSYS , F is Rx noise factor 2500/290 = 8.62

So SNR            =          40+12+11.5-238.3-(-150.8)

                        =          -24 dB

An FFT of 262k provides an improvement in SNR of about 30 dB:

So SNR            =          -24 + 30

                        =          6 dB

This is in agreement with the variable carrier received from the Kimberley Tx on 175.25 MHz when a waterfall display is used with a FFT of 262k.