Pages dedicated to Antennas

The 10 elements for the 50 MHz band


Lumped components directional coupler for feeding antennas arrays or adjusting the input power to PA's. New

Superseded by new software but still working:  miniNEC for DOS with  a patch for VGA drawing of radiation diagrams

For Linux users  with a graphic post-processor NEC2 e Post-processor   ver. 1.4  

My first work with miniNEC : 5El. Yagi for 50 MHz

Dual Band antenna for mobile use: 144/432 MHz

Opens sleeve triband antenna for WARC bands

Here is a 40m Magnetic Loop for mobile use

My EH antennas

Why I like Folded Dipoles


CTHA 2° (CMHA) New

The CFA in San Remo