The upcoming DXpedition to Campbell Island ZL9CI is in the last stages of planning with less than three months to go. The team of 11 highly experienced ops will sail from Wellington, New Zealand to Campbell Island 52 degrees South on January 1, 1999. The voyage in the 125' "Braveheart" (ex Japanese research vessel) will take approximately 6 days. It is expected the six stations will be on the air around January 10, depending on the weather at the time of setup. The last QSO will take place around the 24th of January.

Our team objective is to push Campbell Island ZL9 down the list of the "100 most wanted countries" as we did with the Kermadecs ZL8RI in 1996.

The team will operate 160m to 6m, SSB, CW, RTTY and if time and conditions permit a few experiments with SSTV will be made. Getting the logs off the island for internet availability will be a problem. Weather will be a problem. Enthusiasm within the team is extremely high. Information from the team will be available on the internet via the five pilots.

More information to follow over the next few months. Visit the ZL9CI internet site at Http:// set up by Don N1DG, one of our pilots. The site is still under construction, but you will learn about Campbell Island, it's wonderful environs, the team and our plans.

Donations may be sent to:

Ken Holdom ZL2HU - DXpedition Leader
31 St. Johns Terrace. POB 56099
Tawa, Wellington
New Zealand

Lee ZL2AL -Logistics Planning and Team member ZL9CI Campbell Island DXpedition, Jan 99

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Your comments and input are always welcome
Last updated 14 October 1998