Copyright DEC 2023 Andrew Barron ZL3DW
the FT-991A is a "shack in a box" radio. It provides all-mode coverage of the 2m and 70cm bands as well as the HF bands. This could save you the cost of buying another radio for FM repeaters, VHF or UHF DX, Satellites, System Fusion, or Wires-X. The radio is great for portable or holiday operation, but it is not as small and light as the FT-891 100W HF radio, or the FT-818 QRP radio, so it is less suitable for hiking or SOTA activations. The current drain while receiving is also higher which is a consideration if you are using battery power. The FT-710 is cheaper and significantly better than the FT-991A as a base station HF rig, but it lacks the VHF and UHF bands.

The FT-991A appeals to people who want to buy one, easy to operate, radio for all the bands they want to use.

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The Radio Today guide to the Yaesu FT-991A
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