Copyright DEC 2023 Andrew Barron ZL3DW
When Yaesu announced the FT-710, I was among the many who wondered why they had created it. The official reason is that it replaces the FTdx1200 as their entry-level HF transceiver. The most obvious difference is that the FT-710 is a true direct sampling SDR. The narrow price difference between the FTdx10 and the FT-710 inevitably leads to a comparison of features. What do you miss out on, and what new features are included?

The FT-710 is often supplied with the optional SP-40 speaker which is integral to the AESS (acoustic-enhanced speaker system). The speaker is designed to match the radio and it can be mounted on either side. It is interesting playing with the two AESS controls. I will leave it up to you to decide how you want to use them.

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The Radio Today guide to the Yaesu FT-710
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BUG Report 1: RSGB versions. The index error was not noticed until the book was printed. Most of the page numbers are 4 pages high. Subtract four from what it says on the index and you should find what you are looking for.

BUG Report 2:On page 192 the description of the 'Tuner/Linear' jack should read,
"The FT-710 does not have RCA jacks for linear amplifier PTT and ALC. Use pin 2 for the amplifier PTT, and pin 3 for common ground. You have to use the REM/ALC jack for amplifier ALC to the radio. It also has a PTT line."