Aoteoroa Postcode Award

This award has been presented to stimulate awareness and the use of postal system - at least by the amateur fraternity. To some extent it is a Postcode Club. At the present time there are 613 postcodes in use, so the upgrades will not come easy. Best of luck.
  1. The award is open to all Amateurs and SWLs
  2. All contacts made on or after October 20, 1991, will be eligible foe the award.
  3. A certificate will be issued for basic qualification, and stickers for the various following upgrades.
  4. Portable and mobile stations must give the postcode for the particular area they are in and can claim that postcode for the award.
  5. Basic Award: Make contact with ZL stations and obtain their QTH and the Postcode. Then use the suffix letters of the station claimed to complete the following phrase - AOTEAROA LAND OF THE LONG WHITE CLOUD.
    Each letter of a call-sign may only be used once unless that station is contacted in a different postcode area. Claim each postcode once only.
  6. Upgrades: Stickers will be issued as follows: Postie - 100 different postcodes; Mail Officer - 150 different postcodes. Supervisor - 200 different postcodes, Branch Manager - 250 different postcodes. (There is provision for an extension for enthusiast.)
  7. All amateur modes and bands may be used. Repeater contacts accepted.
  8. Cost Basic Certificate -
    ZL Stations $3.00
    VK Stations US$2.00
    DX Stations US$3.00
    Upgrades -
    ZL stations SASE plus $1.00 for first - SASE for other three.
    VK Stations SASE plus $1.00 stamp for each upgrade.
    DX stations SAE plus US$1.00 for each upgrade.
  9. A copy of your log is to be submitted upon application for the awards and sent to: Awards Manager, 48 Leslie Street, Waitara 4656, New Zealand.
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