SUPER-Keyer & MINI-Keyer


As well as text, the 120 character message may include many commands, which are entered as text placed in the message. The Mode commands are in the form of a "$" dollar symbol, followed by a number, or other character, so they can easily be typed directly on the keyboard, either using a simple DOS text editor or direct into a terminal emulator such as Windows Terminal. You will need to operate Terminal at 1200 bps, N-8-1.

Typing the message in is easy. In fact if you don't want to save the message, you can type the message directly from Windows Terminal, but if you make a mistake, you will have to start again (backspace and delete do not work). Commands are very straight-forward, although by combining them creatively some very powerful effects and features can be obtained. Neither the $ or the following number or other character are sent. The commands cause an immediate change in the operating mode, for example from Hellschreiber to Morse, Normal or Slow. Combinations of commands can be sent in any order, although obviously some won't make any sense. DX affects Morse differently to Hell (causes carrier keying via the PTT in Morse, and double column sending in Hell), but SLOMODE and SUPERSLO affect both modes in the same way. DX and SLOMODE and SUPERSLO at the same time is a valid option.

Digital Output commands $7 and $8 allow the keyer to switch external devices, such as changing antenna or transmitter power. The digital outputs can be used independently or together. For example, if use together they could be used to provide four transmitter power level steps. Digital Input commands $C, $G and $K substitute the command with a number (0 or 1) in the transmitted message, reflecting the status of the input pin.

The mode change commands $0 (MORSE) and $1 (HELL) also act as resets for most of the other options - for example, the digital outputs default to OFF (low) and return to OFF when the mode is changed (Morse / Hell) or when the message has completed. FSK, DX, SLO and SUPERSLO are also cancelled by $0 and $1 commands.

Keyer Mode & Command Table
CMD Mode Description
$0 MORSE MODE (Reset) Send all text in 20 WPM Morse code (options and digital outputs are turned off).
$1 HELL MODE (Reset) Send all text in 122.5 baud Feld-Hell (options and digital outputs are turned off).
$2 (Reserved) 
$3 (Reserved) 
$4 DX MODE ON HELL: Change to double-column (DX) mode.
MORSE: Key the carrier via PTT as well as the audio.
$5 SLOMODE ON 1/2 data rate (61.25 bps). Morse becomes 10 WPM.
$6 SUPERSLO MODE 1/4 data rate to 30.625 bps. Morse becomes 5 WPM. (Can be used with SLO for 1/8 speed)
$7 PD2 ON Set digital output Port D2 (pin 4) ON. Turns off with $0, $1.
$8 PD3 ON Set digital output Port D3 (pin 5) ON. Turns off with $0, $1.
$9 FSK ON Modulation on AUDIO (SUBCARRIER) becomes FSK. Otherwise is OOK.
$C PD4 IN Digital input Port D4 (pin 8), 0 or 1
$G PD5 IN Digital input Port D5 (pin 9), 0 or 1
$K PD6 IN Digital input Port D6 (pin 11), 0 or 1
$: AUDIO TONE (subcarrier) ON Two second delay with subcarrier on (MARK). Duration affected by SLO and SUPERSLO. Other delays by concatenating delay commands. See below.
$; AUDIO TONE (subcarrier) OFF Two second delay with subcarrier off (SPACE). Duration affected by SLO and SUPERSLO for 4 sec and 8 sec respectively. 16 sec is possible by combination of both.
$= CARRIER OFF Two second delay with carrier and subcarrier off (transmitter off). Duration affected by SLO and SUPERSLO for 4 sec and 8 sec respectively. 16 sec is possible by combination of both (Mini-Keyer only).
$$   Send "$" character, which would otherwise be unprintable.
~ END Tilde ~ used to signal end of message during record.

As a simple example, to send a simple Morse ID over and over, such as "DE ZL1BPU AR" (then a pause), simply load the following message:

"$0DE ZL1BPU + $;$;~"

Copyright � M. Greenman 1997-2005. All rights reserved. Contact the author before using any of this material.