Software Downloads

Possible Problems:  All my programs were developed before Windows 7 arrived.  All run on systems up to and including Windows XP. There are both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7.

  • All programs appear to run on 32-bit versions of Windows 7.
  • Most also run on 64-bit versions.
  • Some early programs run in the 32-bit but not the 64-bit versions.
  • The classical "DOS" programs can be run in the 64 bit version under "DosBox", obtainable here.  You can run your old DOS programs using this as well.
  • Some early Windows programs can't be run under 64-bit Windows 7 at all.
  • Any such restrictions are noted in the descriptions accompanying the programs.

"Teach 4.1" Morse learning program:  This program teaches reading audio Morse starting from zero knowledge.  The first section, character teaching, is interactive.  The second contains 1000 text files which can be played as Morse with speed, Farnsworth speed, audio frequency, waveform shape selected by the user.  The last 100 files are sample QSOs, but only with ZL call-signs.  Download it here.

Analysing a Tee matching circuit using "Octave":  The classical high-pass Tee circuit is often used as a transmatch.  Its reponse and approximate power loss are computed with a simple Octave program, with an introduction to installing and starting Octave, then running the program, are here.

Designing a Tee Matching Circuit using "Octave":  "Teedesign" is a more sophisticated program which designs a high-pass Tee transmatch, starting from specification of the inductance value - which is what you do when you balance one.  It copes with reactive loads, finds the power lost for a specified inductor Q, and peak voltages across all components.  Copy the zip file to a new folder, and read the PDF document which describes how to run it.  Updated 5 Feb 2011. Download it here.

Teebal Transmatch designer:

Here's the compiled Qbasic DOS program "Teebal" This computes High-pass Tee matching L and C values, and estimates the power loss.  Unzip the file into a new folder, and run the "exe" file.  The PDF explains how it works.  Download it here.

"Teebal" still runs under Windows XP, and 32-bit Windows 7, but not under  64-bit Windows 7, unless you irun it under the free download "Dosbox" which can be obtained here. 

Plotspec:  I wrote this in 1993 to plot the shape of the audio passband of receivers.  The receiver is tuned to a vacant portion of the band, containing (nominally) white noise.  The power spectrum of audio from the phone or speaker jack is averaged and recorded with Paul Kellett's superb early program, Analyser, downloadable from the web in a zip file obtainable here. then plotted.  It requires Vbrun300.DLL to run, obtainable here

 Actually, all my program does is make a nice plot which can be saved to other documents.This all still works with Windows XP, and 32-bit Windows 7, but not with 64-bit Windows 7, even with DosBox. The window below shows the response of the narrowest setting of the CW filter on my Elecratft K2. Download the installation file here.  You'll need the other two downloads, above, as well.

QSLmake Version 3:  If you learned to read Morse using plain language texts, hearing the format, conventions and abbreviations of a "real" QSO can be a perplexing experience.

This program generates any number of sample QSOs as text files, which can be converted to audio Morse using a number of free programs, including "Teach4", shown above.

Typical signal reports, QTHs, Q codes and comments are selected randomly from text files, which can be edited by the user to reflect preference and local conditions.

A single file, containing all QSOs concatenated, is also generated, suitable for recording on tape, MP3 etc.

Download the installation file here.


Spectrum Analyzer: Written by Con, ZL2AFP, this produces a plot of the frequency response of your receiver's audio passband.  It's an enhanced version of Paul Kellet's "Analyzer", (see above) which also runs under Windows 7.  Connect the receiver's audio output to the sound-card line input, tune to a noise-only frequency, and run.  The operating window is shown below.

A selectable number of 1024 point FFTs (typically hundreds) can be averaged to show a smooth spectrum.   
Download the zip file
here.  This contains the executable and help file.  Put them in the same folder somewhere.  Nothing is written to the Registry, so it's convenient make an icon on the desktop.

AFPfilter:  Con has also written this Real-time Adaptive audio filter.  which which runs on Windows XP to Windows 7. Download the zip file here.  This contains the executable and help file.  Unzip these and put in a convenient folder.  Connect your receiver's audio output (the phone jack is fine) to a PC's soundcard input.  Set up the soundcard as described in the help file.  Run the program and you'll see this.

Low and high-pass filter edges are set by dragging green vertical lines.  Because overlapped FFT filtering is used, filter edges are very sharp.  Signals 4 Hz outside the passband disappear!  The bottom pane is a waterfall display which scrolls continuously downards.  Adaptive LMS filtering, noise reduction, and 4 different simultaneous notches can be invoked.  LMS filtering can be very effective, but also very tricky.  Experiment with the adjustable parameters.

Doktor version 2.0:     This is a diagnostic program to evaluate Morse sending.  A word of Morse is sent using the right mouse button, or a key connected between the contacts of a disassembled mouse.
The window displays an oscilloscope-type  plot of the Morse, with an analysis and grading out of 100 underneath.   Full instructions are given in the help file.  Download the zip file

Doktor 2 runs under Windows XP, and Windows 7 with compatibility mode set for service pack 2.  On pre-2005 computers, a monitor tone sounds through the system speaker, but this speaker vanished in later computers.   The help file describes how a piezo-beeper can be connected with simple hardware.