Western  Suburbs
Radio  Club  Inc:
March  2003













            W. S. R. C. Rules     Published: 20 March 1999.   Updated:  5 April 2003


1            NAME:

                                                                                                                             The name of the Club shall be called WESTERN SUBURBS RADIO CLUB  INCORPORATED.


2            OBJECTS:

              The objects for which the Club is established are :


        a.    To act as a body for giving unity of thought and action in the enjoyment of and for promoting ,developing and fostering the interests of amateur radio and electronics and to cater for all those interested in radio and other allied branches of electronics as a hobby.


b.          To teach the art of radio and electronics and other matters herein before mentioned and to give training in radio communication both practical and theoretical and train all persons desirous of passing any amateur radio, electronic or other associated examinations pertaining to any of the foregoing objects, or for any other purpose whatsoever.


        c.   To take all such steps as may be desirable to spread knowledge of amateur radio physics, experimental radio, and any branch of electronics, or of the activities of the club among members of the general public.


        d.   To maintain and establish radio installations, and other electronic apparatus, the operation of which would further the objects of the Club.


        e.   To operate and promote any scheme of emergency communication

       ( AREC ) private or public, including the placing of any or all of  the Club’s land, buildings, plant ,equipment, apparatus facilities and organisation at the disposal of any government, local authority or any other body or persons in any state of emergency for the object of maintaining communication for the  benefit of the commonwealth


        f.    To cater for such other activities of the members as shall from time to time be determined.


        g.   To raise funds by means of any method to provide money for building development, plant, radio equipment, or sundry equipment associated by any of the foregoing objects.


        h.   To acquire, purchase, hold in trust, or sell land and building and plant,. equipment, apparatus, facilities and amenities when required for the persons and for any of the objects set forth..


        i.   To affiliate with any other club, association, or person having objects compatible with those of the club.


        j.     To do all such things as would attain the above objects.


3.           MEMBERSHIP:

a.     Membership of the club shall be open to all persons who are ,

     (i).Both male or female ,having any interest in any of the objects above set forth , and

              (ii).who in the sole discretion of the committee is of good character.


        b.    All applicants for membership shall be a sponsored or nominated by a current financial member..


        c.    Election to membership shall be by motion of the sponsor duly voted on at general meeting at which the applicant shall be present.


        d.    The committee shall reserve the right to reject any motion for membership , but shall state their reasons for such rejections.  The matter shall be open for discussion, but the decision shall rest with the current committee.


        e.    The annual fee payable by a member shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting without prior notice of motion , or at any other meeting on 14 days notice motion to members in writing by the Secretary.


        f.    The Club may from time to time at any General Meeting elect one or more honorary life-members, Patron, and / or honorary Vice President.



        a.    Any member may cease to be a member of WSRC (inc ) on notice in writing being received by the Secretary or President and the return of all club equipment and apparatus held by them and payment of all fee’s due by them prior to the date of receipt by the Secretary or President of such notice.


        b.    The Committee may expel any member, for non-payment of fees, misconduct or any other reason in their discretion after having given the member an opportunity to be heard , but shall declare such expulsion at the next succeeding General meeting and shall give their reasons therefore . The person so expelled shall have a right of appeal to such General Meeting.


        c.    Cessation of Membership, however arising , shall not relieve any person from liability incurred prior to his or her ceasing to be a member, damage to or loss of equipment, for fees or otherwise.

        d.    Any member whose fees are in arrears for six months shall at the discretion of the             Committee be ineligible to take part in Club activities.



        a.    The Rules of the Club shall not be altered, added to or rescinded in whole or in part        except by the majority of financial members who hold a current Amateur Operator’s Certificate, present and voting at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting provided that in the latter case fourteen days notice shall be given to financial members with specifications of the proposed alteration.


        b.    No addition to or alteration of the Pecuniary Profit clause or the winding up clause of this Constitution shall be approved without the Inland revenue department’s approval.


6.           MEETINGS :

        a.    An Annual General Meeting shall be held in each consecutive period of twelve months.


        b.   The Secretary shall on requisition signed by one fifth of all financial members or at the direction of the Committee from time to time summon any special general meeting for any particular purpose. Such special general meeting shall be held not latter than thirty days after the receipt by the Secretary of such requisition or direction.


        c.    Special and general meetings may be called by circular, advertisement or otherwise at the discretion of the Committee, but in the case of special general meetings the circular, advertisement or other means adopted for the calling of the meeting shall specify the business to be conducted at        that meeting.



      d.    The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall receive the report of the Committee, the financial statement, elect officers and an auditor for the ensuing year and generally deal with such matters affecting the long term operation of the Club as may be necessary. No notice of motion shall be required for any matter dealt with at the annual meeting unless it is a matter otherwise specifically mentioned in these rules . Matters affecting the short term operations of the Club shall be dealt with at a subsequent general meeting


      e.    A quorum at a meeting shall comprise of not less than six financial members.


      f.    No matter shall be dealt with at a special general meeting unless notice there of has been given as aforesaid.


       g.    The Committee shall meet together at such times and places as the Chairman shall determine.


        h.    The Secretary shall on the requisition of any two committee members summon a committee meeting within seven days of the date of receipt by him of such requisition.


        i.     Four members shall form a quorum for a committee meeting.


       j.     The President of the Club or in his absence any person appointed by a majority of the meeting and is a financial member present shall act as Chairman of both general and committee meetings and shall have a deliberating or casting vote as well as an ordinary vote.


7.           VOTING AT MEETING :

        a.    Voting at general meetings and committee meetings shall be by show of hands or otherwise as the Chairman may direct.


       b.    Any three financial members may demand a poll at a general meeting and any two committee members at a meeting of the Committee.


        c.    Every financial member shall have one vote. In the case of husband and wife both being members of the club as a family each shall have one vote.


        d.    Each person voting may be required by the Chairman to give their name.


b.     The Chairman shall have a deliberate and casting vote at general and special meetings but only one vote at a committee meetings.  In the event of equality of votes at committee meetings the motion shall be deemed to be lost.



        a.    The Committee appointed at each annual general meeting shall be comprised of a President, Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer and four other members. All nominees shall be present at the AGM or shall have lodged with the Secretary written acceptance of nomination.


        b.    In addition the AGM shall elect an auditor for the ensuing year and may from time to time appoint an honorary Solicitor.


        c.    Such committee members and Auditor shall hold office until the next annual meeting and shall be eligible for re-election.


        d.    Any vacancy appearing in the committee or office of auditor during the year may be filled by appointment of a person or persons by the committee and such person or persons shall hold office until the next AGM or the Chairman may call for nominations for such position or positions at any general meeting , in which case no notice of motion need be given.


        e.    Any financial member of the club may be nominated , seconded and duly elected at the AGM itself or (in the case of the filling of any vacancy during the year), at a meeting of the committee or any general meeting.  One or two additional committee members may be elected at any general meeting on a vote of the meeting that it would further the interests of the club.


b.     Any committee member failing to attend four consecutive general meetings or committee meetings without leave of absence shall cease to be a member of the committee.


        g.    The Secretary shall keep proper minutes and records of all meeting including a register of members.  Such register of members shall be open for inspection at any time on fourteen days notice to the Secretary.  The register of members shall include such information that will further the interests of the club.


        h     The Secretary shall forward to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies each year the annual statements required by him.


        i.    The equipment officer shall be appointed at the A.G. M., who will be responsible for the care of all the plant, equipment, and apparatus of the club and shall keep proper inventory thereof.


        j.     AREC Section Leader is to be an ex officio of the committee.


9.           COMMON SEAL.:

        a.    The Common Seal of the Club shall be in the custody of the Secretary or President.


        b.    The Common seal shall be affixed to all documents requiring sealing pursuant to a resolution of the Committee and in the presence of the Secretary and any two members of the Committee.


10.         CONTROL OF FUNDS. :

        a.    Control of funds and financial affairs of the Club shall be the responsibility of the Committee.


b.          The incurring of or payment of any liability or debt in excess of $100.00 increasing by 5% per annum from the date of these rules shall be subject to the overriding control of a general meeting.


c.          Proper books of accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer, who shall keep such books up to date and available for inspection at each General Meeting.


d.          All money received by the Club shall be banked in an account with the Auckland Saving Bank or at such other trading bank or Post Bank as may from time to time be determined.


e.          All cheques, promissory notes, and bills of exchange drawn shall be signed by any two of the Secretary, Treasurer or President, and all endorsements may be made by any one of the          Secretary, Treasurer or President.



        .      Nothing expressed or implied in this constitution shall permit the activities of this Club to be carried on for the personal pecuniary profit of any member or individual, not shall any distribution, whether by way of money, property otherwise be made to any member or individual PROVIDED ALWAYS:  no member or persons associated with a member of the club shall derive any income , benefit or advantage from the club where they can materially influence the payment of income ,benefit or advantage. Except where that income or advantage is derived from:

1.          Professional services to the club rendered in the course of business, charged at no greater rate than current market rates; or

2.   Interest on money lent at no greater rate than current market rates. AND all members who may be interested or concerned directly or indirectly shall disclose the nature and extent of their interest to the Committee.


12.         BORROWING   POWER.:

The club may with the authority of a special resolution of a special meeting borrow money for the purpose of the club and may secure the repayment there-of on all or any of the assets of the Club specified in such resolution by way of mortgage of change there-on or otherwise however or upon no security.


13.         WINDING UP CLUB.

        a.    In the event of a dissolution of the Club by the Registrar of Incorporate Societies, the property and funds of the Club shall be distributed as directed by the Registrar.


b.     The club may be wound up voluntarily pursuant to a resolution of a special     meeting of  which at least three calendar months notice of motion has been given.


c.      If upon winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Club. Such remaining property shall be given or transferred to some other charitable organisation or non-profit body having  objects similar to the objects of this club, or for some other charitable purposes within  New Zealand.  In the event of default (Executive being unable to decide) the remaining assets are to be distributed by a Judge of the High Court as he decides.


14.         MISCELLANEOUS :

        a.    The Registered Office of the club shall be situated at the address from time to time appointed in General Meeting.


        b.    The Club may from time to time by special resolution make a levy on its members to   provide extra funds required to carry out the objects of the Club , but so that the total of such levies payable by any one person each financial year shall not exceed $5.00 increased by 5% per annum from the date of these rules.


        c     In the event of both husband and wife being members of the Club the annual fee payable           by them jointly shall not exceed 1.5 times that payable by an individual member.


        d.    The Club shall not be liable for any damages arising out of any accident happening to any member of the Club during the use of any of the club’s plant, apparatus, equipment facilities or amenities or from the occupation of any buildings belonging to the Club for the negligence or tort of any member of the Club whether financial or otherwise.


        e.    The rules of the Club shall be available for the inspection to all financial members at all general meetings.


Post dated   20/03/99


MOVED -------------------------------------------------- DATED -----------------------


SECONDED -------------------------------------------- DATED ------------------------



Merv  Thomas.  ZL1SK



James  Moore  ZL1WOT
