Here are some antenna pictures from my station in Saratoga.   Don't expect anything dazzling. You can take your choice of 7Mhz-30Mhz, 1.8Mhz, or 1.2Ghz. If antenna pictures aren't your thing, then maybe you would prefer to see a picture of the most fabulous XYL a guy could ever want?

C4 and A3WS at 30':

Sorry, Folks, but this is all there is to the N6NT station in California. You were expecting a REAL tower? "Not allowed", say the city mothers of my fair city.

Anybody who can't beat this in a contest should feel ashamed!


By the way, this picture is taken in the direction of my path to VK/ZL. 




1.2 GHz duplexed antenna:


1.2 GHz Repeater Antenna, courtesy of W6CYX This repeater is one of a network of repeaters designed and built by W6CYX, N6PFL, et. al. This set of linked 1.2 GHz repeaters, operating under the auspices of the Alum Rock Repeater Group, provides coverage over hundred miles throughout northern California.


1.8 MHz Dipole:

1.8 MHz Dipole: The feed point for this thing is almost 150' above ground. This is a full-sized 160m dipole, though the ends of it had to droop in order to fit the horizontal run available to me.   Unfortunately, I can't find a good way to take a decent picture of a dipole--if anybody knows how to take an exciting picture of a dipole, please tell me how!

The FORCE behind it all:

Here's my wife Wesley, KE6MOH, lounging by the pool. Before my last trip to Little Cayman, Wesley decided she would upgrade her license to general class so we could keep a regular schedule on SSB and not have to pay bank-breaking phone bills. It took her about 3 weeks of listening to ARRL code tapes while she was driving back and forth to work to be able to pass the Morse exam. That's typical Wesley: she doesn't talk about it, she just does it!



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Copyright�1999 Bruce B. Sawyer