Hello! Welcome to the quick one-page web of YU1WC !
Call: YU1WC
Personal data:

My name is Vladimir Ljubojevic.
My nickname is "Fric" (local spelling for Fritz).
I was born in 1966.

Ham history: Got my first license in 1980, and operated from YU1AGL club station. At the end of the eighties, I got my own call, got a rig, and started operating from my parents' home, most of that during 1988 and 1989. Then I went QRT for a long time.
In December 2002 I decided to reactivate my license, so YU1WC is on the air again!
Location: I live and operate from a suburb of Belgrade, capital of Serbia.
I live in a block of buildings, on a hilltop, but partly surrounded by higher buildings and power lines. So far, the antennas are performing surprisingly well, and there is still some space for improvement.

In the radio club we used a Yaesu FT200.
My first rig was an Yaesu FT757GX, 100 watts.
I was dreaming of a rig with decent receiver and narrow CW filter.
But with this small rig I worked a 5BDXCC, and more than 60 countries on 160, all with 100 watts, CW and modest antennas.
In 2003 I bought a second hand TS930s. It was great, but in the summer 2005 the rig died and I lost my interest in ham radio.

QRP Rig:

In March 2009 I completed my first radio kit - the Genesis G40 SDR radio. I enered into QRP world. I did not expect much, but soon I realized that my wire antenna is working great. In 3 months I managed to work 100 dxcc on 40 with 5 watts (my current total is 120 countries). I enjoy very much working dx with this little radio made by my own hands, part by part...
I started the build of the multiband G59 Genesis QRP rig, but I taking my time.


My old antenna setup from the FT757/TS930S days was:

160m End fed matched halfwave, RU3AEP design.
80/40m 2 x 21m doublet, sloping from 30 to 3 meters.
20/15/10m GP of rooftop, 30m high

In this moment, only the 2 x 21m doublet survived, but it works great on 40 with my Genesis G40. It is just a piece of wire, fed with 300 ohm twin lead, with a home made balanced tuner. I have a feeling that I can work all I hear.

Operating modes: Since I reactivated my license and moved to a new apartment, I decided to operate only CW. Digital modes (RTTY, PSK31) are in my plans for the future. I do not hate SSB, CW is the choice for practical reasons:
- with CW I will not wake anyone yelling in the mic late in night
- for little pistols (low power, modest antenna), CW is the way to go
Operating power:

Before reactivating my license, I was anticipating TVI problems, and was ready to operate only QRP if necessary. Even my first contest entry (2002 ARRL 10m contest) was operated with 5 watts. Luckily, at the new QTH there are no TVI complaints so far, and I can run all the 100 watts from my rig. I decided to limit my operating power at that level.

This was before I built my G40.

Now, I am still exploring the limits of QRP. I managed to break through dx pileups, worked some 120 dxcc, worked VK/ZL, all with 5 watts on 40 meters and a wire antenna. There are still moments when I wish I had some hundred or more watts, to catch a dx... But anyway, so far the limit is on 5 watts and the thrill when my signal reaches another continent is inmense!

Contesting: Since I reactivated my license, I started to participate in contests. It is a fine way to get some fun, to improve operating skills and to increase a dxcc count. I am still a novice contester, and a little pistol. I operate only CW.
I was always low power, and now I am QRP since I built the G40. In this moment, I am monoband on 40, but when the G59 is finished I'll be contesting on all bands again!
Other hobbies: My biggest passion is speleology (caving).