In premiera : JA-YO in 50 MHz !
  Pe data de 10 iulie 99  dimineata a fost o deschidere E-sporadic de exceptie spre Orientul Indepartat.
 Incepind cu orele 04.00 UTC pina la 07.00 UTC  SM7FJE (care folosea o baterie de 4 antene sinfazate de 12 m fiecare)  a inceput sa lucreze statii japoneze in telegrafie in 50 MHz. Celelalte statii europene insa nu au reusit sa copieze statiunile japoneze cu exceptia lui SM7AED care a auzit 8 statiuni.

 In jurul orei 06.00 UTC am auzit slab JF3MYA dar nu mi-a raspuns. La orele 06.22 am auzit statiunea JE1BMJ cu care am schimbat controale de 559 in ambele directii.
 Dupa o saptamina am si primit confirmarea "via direct" si dupa cum mentioneaza corespondentul, se pare ca este prima legatura YO-JA in banda de 50 MHz.
 Mai jos este fotografia QSL-ului respectiv fata / verso.

 Iata ce spunea  SM7AED in buletinul sau informativ despre propagarea din ziua respectiva:

Six Metre Info by SM7AED 
Issue # 76. July 1999 Updated July 23rd

In the morning of the 10th, from 0426z, SM7FJE could work totaly 36 JA-stations: 9 x JA1, 12 x JA2, 3 x JA3, 4 x JA4, 4 x JA5, and 4 x JA6. Severe TV-QRM from UA and strong QSB but some signals up to S9 on peaks (JN1JFC strongest). The opening lasted until 0701z. SM7AED could hear and identify 8 of them with a 5 el yagi. For example the distance JA1VOK to SM7FJE is 8719 km.
All QSOs on multi-hop Es according to experienced hams.
Emil W3EP: There were also some strong JA-KL7 openings as well. They might be related.
Martin G3USF: Very interesting opening. Could hardly be anything but Es. But July! 
From JA also OZ2LD is reported. YO4AUL worked JE1BMJ at 0622z and heard JF3MYA.
The JA-stations also worked XX9AS, DU1SAN, JT1KAA, VR2XMT, HL2IGU, HL5XF anf BV/JH3GCN.