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The page with the memebers of YO2KJW
The page of YO2A repeator
25th October Cup
The page with our diplomas


Due to our team one year continuos effort on 05.oct.1996 was born YO2A located at the meteorological station on Montaines Tarcu at 2186.26 m high lat.N 45° 16` 51``, long E 22° 32` 11``, WW QTH locator: KN15GG.

The team formated of YO2KJW radio amateurs climbed for about 8 hours on foot with all equipment in rucsacs and mounted YO2A on the top of the Tarcu meteorological station.

YO2A covers, with its 10W output, an area of about 8 counties from Romania (CS, TM, AR, HD,AB, MH, DJ, GJ ) and 4 countries ( YO, HA, YU, LZ).

It has an automatic self identification based on EPROM memory in order to mark its activity.

Because of the high interest of our team this repeator works without interuption and we hope that even in the future this stuation will not change.

Our effort has been made for full and free use of all HAM's across the covered area.

We hope that the quality provided by our repeater will satisfy all the requirements.

Antenna ER: GP lambda/4 6m high, vertical polarity, elevation 0°, directivity 360°, gain 0 dB, 2dB/100m atenuation.

Equipment: RTP-4MF-SD, Tx 10w power, Rx o.3 µV ±2dB sensibility (SINAD 12 dB), 80dB selectivity (EIA 2 sign), 80 dB FI atennuation, 0.3 - 3 Khz audio band, ± 2.5Khz freqvency deviation, less then 20µW harmonics. Mode FM.
Freqvency: 145.1625 Mhz REC & 145.7625 Mhz EM on channel RV6.1 Power supply: 24v c.c. provided by an CdNi acc bat of 760 Ah & 220v c.a. provided by an G.E.