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Propagation type

Distances regularly achievable in km (144MHz 2m band):

Line of sight            0-100 km       (Dependant upon both antenna's height above sea level)
Tropo Scatter        100-500km
Tropo Ducting        200-1000km (Sea path exceptionally possible up to 3000km)
Aurora                    250-1000km
Meteor Scatter      700-2300km
Sporadic Es          1100-2100km
Sporadic Es
Within the E region, very thin regions of extremely dense ionization can form. These regions can apparently be caused by several mechanisms, and have a wide variety of characteristics. Because of this, one single definition cannot be completely accurate. According to the Space Environmental Services Center, "sporadic E (Es) is transient, localized patches of relatively high electron density in the E region of the ionosphere which significantly affect radio wave propagation. Sporadic E can occur during daytime or nighttime, and it varies markedly with latitude. Es can be associated with thunderstorms, meteor showers, solar activity, and geomagnetic activity."

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