A simple domain

How to set up your own domain.

Before we really start this section I'm going to serve you some theory on how DNS works. And you're going to read it because it's good for you. If you don't `wanna' you should at least skim it very quickly. Stop skimming when you get to what should go in your named.boot file.

DNS is a hierarchical system. The top is written `.' and pronounced `root'. Under . there are a number of Top Level Domains (TLDs), the best known ones are ORG, COM, EDU and NET, but there are many. When you want to find out the address of prep.ai.mit.edu your name server has to find a name server that serves edu. It asks a . server (it already knows the . servers, that's what the root.cache file is for), the . server gives a list of edu servers. I'll illustrate this here:

$ nslookup
Default Server:  localhost

Start asking a root server.

> server c.root-servers.net.
Default Server:  c.root-servers.net

Set the Query type to NS (name server records).

> set q=ns

Ask about edu.

> edu.

The trailing . here is significant, it tells the server we're asking that edu is right under ., this narrows the search somewhat.

edu     nameserver = A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
edu     nameserver = G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET
A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =
G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET      internet address =

This tells us that *.root-servers.net serves edu., so we can go on asking c. Now we want to know who serves the next level of the domain name: mit.edu.:

> mit.edu.
Server:  c.root-servers.net

Non-authoritative answer:
mit.edu nameserver = STRAWB.mit.edu
mit.edu nameserver = W20NS.mit.edu
mit.edu nameserver = BITSY.mit.edu

Authoritative answers can be found from:
STRAWB.mit.edu  internet address =
W20NS.mit.edu   internet address =
BITSY.mit.edu   internet address =

steawb, w20ns and bitsy serves mit, select one and inquire about ai.mit.edu:

> server W20NS.mit.edu.

Hostnames are not case sensitive, but I use my mouse to cut and paste so it gets copied as-is from the screen.

Server:  W20NS.mit.edu

> ai.mit.edu.
Server:  W20NS.mit.edu

Non-authoritative answer:
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = ALPHA-BITS.AI.MIT.EDU
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = GRAPE-NUTS.AI.MIT.EDU
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = TRIX.AI.MIT.EDU
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = MUESLI.AI.MIT.EDU

Authoritative answers can be found from:
AI.MIT.EDU      nameserver = WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU
AI.MIT.EDU      nameserver = ALPHA-BITS.AI.MIT.EDU
AI.MIT.EDU      nameserver = GRAPE-NUTS.AI.MIT.EDU
AI.MIT.EDU      nameserver = TRIX.AI.MIT.EDU
AI.MIT.EDU      nameserver = MUESLI.AI.MIT.EDU
WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU     internet address =
WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU     internet address =
ALPHA-BITS.AI.MIT.EDU   internet address =
ALPHA-BITS.AI.MIT.EDU   internet address =
GRAPE-NUTS.AI.MIT.EDU   internet address =
GRAPE-NUTS.AI.MIT.EDU   internet address =
TRIX.AI.MIT.EDU internet address =
TRIX.AI.MIT.EDU internet address =
MUESLI.AI.MIT.EDU       internet address =
MUESLI.AI.MIT.EDU       internet address =

So weaties.ai.mit.edu is a nameserver for ai.mit.edu:

Default Server:  WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU

Now I change query type, we've found the name server so now we're going to ask about everything wheaties knows about prep.ai.mit.edu.

> set q=any
> prep.ai.mit.edu.

prep.ai.mit.edu CPU = dec/decstation-5000.25    OS = unix
        inet address =, protocol = tcp
         #21 #23 #25 #79
prep.ai.mit.edu preference = 1, mail exchanger = life.ai.mit.edu
prep.ai.mit.edu internet address =
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = alpha-bits.ai.mit.edu
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = wheaties.ai.mit.edu
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = grape-nuts.ai.mit.edu
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = mini-wheats.ai.mit.edu
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = trix.ai.mit.edu
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = muesli.ai.mit.edu
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = count-chocula.ai.mit.edu
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = life.ai.mit.edu
ai.mit.edu      nameserver = mintaka.lcs.mit.edu
life.ai.mit.edu internet address =
alpha-bits.ai.mit.edu   internet address =
wheaties.ai.mit.edu     internet address =
wheaties.ai.mit.edu     internet address =
grape-nuts.ai.mit.edu   internet address =
grape-nuts.ai.mit.edu   internet address =
mini-wheats.ai.mit.edu  internet address =
mini-wheats.ai.mit.edu  internet address =
mintaka.lcs.mit.edu     internet address =

So starting at . we found the successive nameservers for the next level in the domain name. If you had used your own DNS server instead of using all those other servers, your named would of-course cache all the information it found while digging this out for you, and it would not have to ask again for a while.

A much less talked about, but just as important domain is in-addr.arpa. It too is nested like the `normal' domains. in-addr.arpa allows us to get the hosts name when we have it's address. A important thing here is to note that ip#s are written in reverse order in the in-addr.arpa domain. If you have the address of a machine: named procedes just like for the prep.ai.mit.edu example: find arpa. servers. Find in-addr.arpa. servers, find 192.in-addr.arpa. servers, find 128.192.in-addr.arpa. servers, find 52.128.192.in-addr.arpa. servers. Find needed records for Clever huh? (say `yes'). Also, the reversion of the numbers is kinda confusing the first 2 years.

I have just told a lie. DNS does not work literally the way I just told you. But it's close enough.

Our own doman.

Now to define our own domain. We're going to make the domain linux.bogus and define machines in it. I use a totally bogus domain name to make sure we disturb no-one Out There.

We've already started this part with this line in named.boot:

primary         0.0.127.in-addr.arpa            pz/127.0.0

Please note the lack of `.' at the end of the domain names in this file. The first line names the file pz/127.0.0 as defining 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa. We've already set up this file, it reads:

@               IN      SOA     linux.bogus. hostmaster.linux.bogus. (
                                1       ; Serial
                                28800   ; Refresh
                                7200    ; Retry
                                604800  ; Expire
                                86400)  ; Minimum TTL
                        NS      ns.linux.bogus.
1                       PTR     localhost.

Please note the `.' at the end of all the full domain names in this file, in contrast to the named.boot file above. Some people like to start each zone file with a $ORIGIN directive, but this is superfluous. The origin (where in the DNS hierarchy it belongs) of a zone file is specified in the `domain' column of the named.boot file, in this case it's 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa.

This `zone file' contains 3 `resource records' (RRs): A SOA RR. A NS RR and a PTR RR. SOA is short for Start Of Authority. The `@' is a special notation meaning the origin, and since the `domain' column for this file says 0.0.127.in-addr.arps the first line really says

  0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA. IN      SOA ...

NS is the Name Server RR, it tells DNS what machine is the name server of the domain. And finally the PTR record says that 1 (equals, i.e. is named localhost.

The SOA record is the preamble to all zone files, and there should be exactly one in each zone file, the very first record. It describes the zone, where it comes from (a machine called linux.bogus), who is responsible for its contents ([email protected]), what version of the zone file this is (serial: 1), and other things having to do with caching and secondary DNS servers. For the rest of the fields ,refresh, retry, expire and minimum use the numbers used in this HOWTO and you should be safe.

The NS record tells us who does DNS serving for 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa, it is ns.linux.bogus. The PTR record tells us that (aka is known as localhost.

Now restart your named (the command is ndc restart) and use nslookup to examine what you've done:

$ nslookup

Default Server:  localhost

Server:  localhost

Name:    localhost

so it manages to get localhost from, good. Don't push it. Now for our main task, the linux.bogus domain, insert a new primary line in named.boot:

primary               linux.bogus                     pz/linux.bogus

Note the continued lack of ending `.' on the domain name in the named.boot file.

In the linux.bogus zone file we'll put some totally bogus data:

; Zone file for linux.bogus
; Mandatory minimum for a working domain
@       IN      SOA     linux.bogus. hostmaster.linux.bogus. (
                        199511301       ; serial, todays date + todays serial #
                        28800           ; refresh, seconds
                        7200            ; retry, seconds
                        3600000         ; expire, seconds
                        86400 )         ; minimum, seconds
                NS      ns.linux.bogus.
                NS      ns.friend.bogus.
                MX      10 mail.linux.bogus   ; Primary Mail Exchanger
                MX      20 mail.friend.bogus. ; Secondary Mail Exchanger

localhost       A
ns              A
mail            A

There is one new RR type in this file, the MX, or Mail eXchanger RR. It tells mail systems where to send mail that is addressed to [email protected], namely too mail.linux.bogus or mail.friend.bogus. The number before each machine name is that MX RRs priority, The RR with the lowest number (10) is the one mail should be sent to primarily. If that fails it can be sent to one with a higher number, a secondary mail handler, i.e. mail.friend.bogus which has priority 20 here.

Restart named by running ndc restart. Examine the results with nslookup:

$ nslookup
> set q=any
> linux.bogus
Server:  localhost

        origin = linux.bogus
        mail addr = hostmaster.linux.bogus
        serial = 199511301
        refresh = 28800 (8 hours)
        retry   = 7200 (2 hours)
        expire  = 604800 (7 days)
        minimum ttl = 86400 (1 day)
linux.bogus     nameserver = ns.linux.bogus
linux.bogus     nameserver = ns.friend.bogus
linux.bogus     preference = 10, mail exchanger = mail.linux.bogus.linux.bogus
linux.bogus     preference = 20, mail exchanger = mail.friend.bogus
linux.bogus     nameserver = ns.linux.bogus
linux.bogus     nameserver = ns.friend.bogus
ns.linux.bogus  internet address =
mail.linux.bogus        internet address =

Upon careful examination you will discover a bug. The line

  linux.bogus     preference = 10, mail exchanger = mail.linux.bogus.linux.bogu

is all wrong. It should be

  linux.bogus     preference = 10, mail exchanger = mail.linux.bogus

I deliberately made a mistake so you could learn from it :-) Looking in the zone file we find that the line

@               MX      10 mail.linux.bogus     ; Primary Mail Exchanger

is missing a period. Or has a 'linux.bogus' too many. If a machine name does not end in a period in a zone file the origin is added to it's end. So either

@               MX      10 mail.linux.bogus.    ; Primary Mail Exchanger


@               MX      10 mail                 ; Primary Mail Exchanger

is correct. I prefer the latter form, it's less to type. In a zone file the domain should either be written out and ended with a `.' or it should not be included at all, in which case it defaults to the origin. I must stress that in the named.boot file there should not be `.'s after the domain names. You have no idea how many times a `.' too many or few have fouled up things and confused the h*ll out of people.

So having made my point here is the new zone file, with some extra information in it as well:

; Zone file for linux.bogus
; Mandatory minimum for a working domain
@       IN      SOA     linux.bogus. hostmaster.linux.bogus. (
                        199511301       ; serial, todays date + todays serial #
                        28800           ; refresh, seconds
                        7200            ; retry, seconds
                        604800          ; expire, seconds
                        86400 )         ; minimum, seconds

                NS      ns              ; Inet Address of name server
                NS      ns.friend.bogus.
                MX      10 mail         ; Primary Mail Exchanger
                MX      20 mail.friend.bogus. ; Secondary Mail Exchanger

localhost       A
ns              A
mail            A
; Extras
@               TXT     "Linux.Bogus, your DNS consultants"

ns              MX      10 mail
                MX      20 mail.friend.bogus.
                HINFO   "Pentium" "Linux 1.2"
                TXT     "RMS"
richard         CNAME   ns
www             CNAME   ns

donald          A
                MX      10 mail
                MX      20 mail.friend.bogus.
                HINFO   "i486"  "Linux 1.2"
                TXT     "DEK"

mail            MX      10 mail
                MX      20 mail.friend.bogus.
                HINFO   "386sx" "Linux 1.0.9"

ftp             A
                MX      10 mail
                MX      20 mail.friend.bogus.
                HINFO   "P6" "Linux 1.3.59"

You might want to move the first three A records so that they're placed next to their respective other records, instead on top like that.

There are a number of new RRs here: HINFO (Host INFOrmation) has two parts, it's a good habit to quote each. The first part is the hardware or CPU on the machine, and the second part the software or OS on the machine. ns has a Pentium CPU and runs Linux 1.2. The TXT record is a free text record that you can use for anything you like. CNAME (Canonical NAME) is a way to give each machine several names. So richard and www is a alias for ns. It's important to note that A MX, CNAME and SOA record should never refer to a CNAME record, they should only refer to something with a A record, so it would wrong to have

foobar  CNAME   richard                 ; NO!

but correct to have

foobar  CNAME   ns                      ; Yes!

It's also important to note that a CNAME is not a legal host name for a e-mail address: [email protected] is an illegal e-mail address given the setup above. You can expect quite a few mail admins Out There to enforce this rule even if it works for you. The way to avoid this is to use A records (and perhaps some others too, like a MX record) instead:

www     A

Paul Vixie, the primary named wizard, recommends not using CNAME. So consider not using it very seriously.

Load the new database by running ndc reload, this causes named to read its files again.

$ nslookup
Default Server:  localhost

> ls -d linux.bogus

This means that all records should be listed.

 linux.bogus.                   SOA   linux.bogus hostmaster.linux.bogus. (1995
11301 28800 7200 604800 86400)
 linux.bogus.                   NS    ns.linux.bogus
 linux.bogus.                   NS    ns.friend.bogus
 linux.bogus.                   MX    10   mail.linux.bogus
 linux.bogus.                   MX    20   mail.friend.bogus
 linux.bogus.                   TXT   "Linux.Bogus, your DNS consultants"
 localhost                      A
 mail                           A
 mail                           MX    10   mail.linux.bogus
 mail                           MX    20   mail.friend.bogus
 mail                           HINFO 386sx       Linux 1.0.9
 donald                         A
 donald                         MX    10   mail.linux.bogus
 donald                         MX    20   mail.friend.bogus
 donald                         HINFO i486        Linux 1.2
 donald                         TXT   "DEK"
 www                            CNAME ns.linux.bogus
 richard                        CNAME ns.linux.bogus
 ftp                            A
 ftp                            MX    10   mail.linux.bogus
 ftp                            MX    20   mail.friend.bogus
 ftp                            HINFO P6          Linux 1.3.59
 ns                             A
 ns                             MX    10   mail.linux.bogus
 ns                             MX    20   mail.friend.bogus
 ns                             HINFO Pentium     Linux 1.2
 ns                             TXT   "RMS"
 linux.bogus.                   SOA   linux.bogus hostmaster.linux.bogus. (1995
11301 28800 7200 604800 86400)

That's good. Let's check what it says for www alone:

> set q=any
> www.linux.bogus.
Server:  localhost

www.linux.bogus canonical name = ns.linux.bogus

...In other words, the real name of www.linux.bogus is ns.linux.bogus

linux.bogus     nameserver = ns.linux.bogus
linux.bogus     nameserver = ns.friend.bogus
ns.linux.bogus  internet address =

and ns.linux.bogus has the address Looks good too.

Winding down

Of course, this domain is highly bogus, and so are all the addresses in it. For a real domain insert the real domain names and addresses and all the other information. When that is done you need a reverse lookup zone file, it should be like the 127.0.0 file and contain exactly one PTR RR for each address in use, i.e.       PTR     ns.linux.bogus.       PTR     donald.linux.bogus.       PTR     mail.linux.bogus.       PTR     ftp.linux.bogus.

for our example domain (in addition to the SOA RR of-course). The domain name (origin) of the file should be reversed just as with 127.0.0 versus 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa.

Now it's time for you to play around with things and set up your domain. When you've finished playing with the linux.bogus domain remove it from your named.boot file.