Morse Code

What is Morse Code/CW? Morse Code/CW is the abbreviation for "Continuous Wave" or "Morse Code". The Code was developed by Samuel F. B. Morse. The Code was the earliest form of communication via radio and telegraph. It is still in use today by many "Hams" around the world.


The letter E (dit) is the basic unit of time in the International Morse Code and is one time unit. The letter T (dah) is three times the length of the E or (dit). The space between parts of a letter is equal to about one time unit. The space between letters equals three time elements and the space between words is equivalent to five dits.

The SPACE MULTIPLIER allows you to increase the space between characters without making the dit and dah longer. The WPM will only be correct when the SPACE MULTIPLIER is set to 3 since the space between characters is supposed to be 3 dits.

Note: I do not support the current Morse Code requirement for Amateur Licensing. I feel that while the Morse Code is a good thing to know, there are a great many people out there who are afraid to obtain an Amateur Radio License because either they do not know the code or else are not proficient enough with the code to pass element 1A, 1B, or 1C or the Licensing exam.

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This page designed and maintained by Wisnu Widjaja YBØAZ
Last updated 20 October 2001