WS8G's Palm Pilot Page

About two years ago, I became very interested in the Palm Pilot. I bought a Palm Pro for the now unheard of price of $300 and found it to be worth every cent. Others at work had them given to them by their departments, but most of them were mostly unused.

It is now Nov 9, 1999 and I have the second generation PDA. An 8 Meg Handspring Visor. All my data came across from the Palm Pro without difficulty. Now I have a full Bible - as my friend Jeff would say, a Sword instead of a Dagger!


I had learned how to use an organizer five years before - I mean to really use one. I have had cheap organizers, Geodexes, and Covey habit organizers. All these are great, but none come close to the utility of the pilot. What is best? It is small enough to keep in my pocket whether at work or play! It is FAST - just as fast as tabs on a paper organizer. It carries a LOT of text - enough that I have half of the New Testament in my pocket at any one time, and a couple chapters of a book. Finally, It (with a modem) can do eMail on the road without any other computer.

This page lists some links for finding programs for the Palm Pilot and other links for downloading news/books/and the like.

9 November, 1999: I have just received a Handspring Visor with 8 Megs of RAM. The company delivered on the last day of the 6th week since ordering. It has been a long wait, but the new screen and the better memory make it exciting to pull out the Visor.

ZD Net Rated Share/Freeware

3Com Palm Computing

Graffiti Tricks

CNET - To buy or learn

Wademan's Programming FAQ

Programming the Palm (Roadcoders)

Yaesu Command Reference Doc for Palm Pilot

 Bible Page for Palm Pilot

First Aid (Human) for Palm Pilot

Survival Guide

Take a look at Handspring Visor

Visor Central

PDA News

Nearly Mobile site (for newbies)