Welcome to the new world of the communications! Million people around the world enjoy this pastime. Perhaps after reading this page you one is interested in the radioaficisn and it wants to be united to our great family. In the United States and Puerto Rico, any person can obtain a license of the "Service of Radio hams" whom the FCC sends. There is limitations of age, sex, citizenship or no race. The only restriction is not to be an official represntante of a extrajero country (Consul, Ambassador, etc.) He is easy, young until of 8 years of age, parents and mothers, jovenes and not so jovenes have pass and today they enjoy the intereante pastime and versatile than she exists.
I want send ah shot out to my friends in the frequencia.... WP3MH WPRKD KP4EMG KP4LQ WP4MJP PRESIDENT THANKS FOR HELP ME TO GET MY LICENCE

It is very probable that you have heard speak of the radioaficisn or "Ham Radio" and has brought him curiosity to know that treats. Some friend or relative has spoken to him of "kp4", but he is not sure that exactly it is the radioaficisn. We will try to explain to him briefly what is the Service of Radio hams to that the radio hams dedicate themselves and so that they do it and we will give an idea him of history behind this liking. From my point of view the radioaficisn is divided in three I interest main that already they have become tradition between the radio hams. Its participation in one or all of them provides participation and growth to them in the pastime. All go to the root of the history of the Radioaficisn, as far as until the same Marconi. .

reseive of messages The transmission of messages using the radio waveses was the fundamental reason for the foundation of the "American League of well-known Radio" like ARRL. She is an organization without profit aims that nowadays represent the interest of the radio hams in the United States and Puerto Rico. In the beginning of years 1900, the art of the radio communication was in diapers. It was possible to only transmit messages to short distances. The radio hams organized what they called "networks of I deal" to release the distant messages that debian to arrive at lugars. Thanks to the traffic networks the messages arrived from coast at coast in few hours instead of taking weeks and without cost some since the radio hams did it of voluntary form. This system even exists anywhere in the world although few people know it due to the facilities that offer the mail, the telephone and the Internet. These services are advisable and quite reliable even though money does not cost. The networks of radio hams nevertheless, in infinity of occasions, specially during emergencies and disasters, when the commercial services are out of service or are overloaded must become position of the communications. When the other services are outside, the radioaficisn becomes position of this vital service. Nowadays many radio hams are active serving to organizations as emergency in all the nation in cases as natural disasters or civil emergencies. Most of the communications by day to day between radio hams is not of serious nature as they are those of emergency and disasters. The handling of routine traffic is the form to occupy some time of the day in the radio. Some install repeating equipment in areas strategic in order to extend the reach from the communications to remote sites being used small portable radii of little power. To learn to construct radios, transmitters and sources of power that are effective in critical cases, the experience to be able to select frequencies in agreement with the conditions of atmospheric propagation is part of the radioaficisn. The radio hams learn to operate in tension atmospheres during emergencies, to spend a good short while communicating with friends and relatives in distant places and "to hunt" rare stations that they operate from inhospitable places during expeditions and aids.

The first radio hams had to probably make their equipment using pieces and components that they little by little obtained according to allowed their budget. Today you can buy equipment in dedicated stores, although still there are radio hams who delight making apparatuses, writing programs for computers, modifying radios and designing and making antennas, in other words experimenting. The "Service of Radio hams", is in fact, the only service in the nation where it is allowed him to the operators with license to make, to modify and to experiment with his equipment. Most of the radio hams is not confronted with the necessity to make equipment since there is a great amount of companies that make and sell designed special equipment for use in the bands of radio hams. That does not mean that there are no good opportunities to design, to make and to modify equipment. An area where the radio hams stand out is the design and construction of antennas. Practically in each technical magazine that it is published there is a variety of articles dedicated to new antennas designed by radio hams. The radio ham experimenter is a constructor whom to him the radio enchants and enjoys causing that the things work, enjoys the challenge and the success to design and to cause that the equipment works .


MY STORY IN THE HOBBIE Well im 100% Puertorican I born and raise in Mayaguez in vadi...then i move to la playa tres hermanos on Aqasco and then move here...my interest are HAM RADIO,INTERNET and politic .... I got ah 11 meters station in PR in the west side thats why my nick here is westsider...right know here in CT i`m working the Bands of 2 meters and 70 cm you can find me in the repeaters of the area oh by the system of echolink is you are in puerto rico you can find me in the repeater of WP4AZT en cerro maravilla via internet...remember you need ah amateur radio license to enter to the system is you want information how get it send me ah note... ok...73 PICTURE FOR THE PEOPLE THAT DON`T KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT.... PICTURES OF STATIONS.....more picture comming soon