Construction of the Kit

Two Sets of Instructions || General Information About the Boards || Refuse to Read Instructions?

Contents of Kit

Two Sets of Instructions

These instructions go part by part, section by section. Includes information for identifying parts, placing parts on the board, and checking your work.

Instructions for the Ham Radio Version of the Kit

Instructions for the SWL Version of the Kit

Frequency Stabilizer Construction

LED Frequency Counter Construction

General Information About the Boards

Board 1 includes all the front end sections of the receiver - VFO and Amps, TV & FM Filter and Bandpass Filters, First mixer, Post-mixer Amp and Xtal Filter.

Board 2 is the tail end of the receiver - Second Mixer, Crystal Oscillator, 455 IF Strip, BFO and amp, product detector, and the Audio Amplifiers.

The boards are intentionally large to help construction.

Construction aids are the following: large board size, definite breaks between different circuits, wide circuit traces, enlarged soldering pads, slightly enlarged hole sizes, and plenty of ground plane area.

When building a receiver of this complexity, self diagnosis of the receiver was a very high priority. Every LED on the board tests circuit functions. It is like having a built in oscilloscope.

In all the amplifiers, the LED is in the drain/source circuit of the MOSFET, showing the current flowing in that amplifier. If improper current is flowing through the MOSFET, it is quickly observed by the LED. The Mixer LED brightness is a direct indication of oscillator drive, and automatically tests the output of the oscillators and the mixer circuit readiness.

The only sections not covered by the LEDs are the Input Board (TV & FM Filter, RF Amplifier, and Bandpass Filters), the Crystal Filters, and the Audio Amplifiers. LEDs at the Bandpass Filters and the Crystal Filters indicate which one is active for operator convenience.

Refuse to Read Instructions?

For those who do not read instructions: Click Here!
I promise no more than one-half page - Please Read!

This kit is dedicated to the "memory of Frank Tanner, ex-AB7CK (SK)", who inspired me to keep building and inventing.

He never read any instructions for any kit and would refuse to do so even if he got in a tight spot. Frank considered it a challenge to build a kit without any help. In his memory, the silkscreen was designed so that one could build the kit just by following silk screen instructions.

You should have a good knowledge of receiver theory and built one or two receiver kits so you know what is going on with the board. But if you insist, careful study of the board and taking your time will do the trick.

Even with this information, please read the half page to keep from making any stupid mistakes, blowing any static sensitive parts, and a couple of hints on speeding up construction.

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Last Update: 1/22/09
Web Author: David White, WN5Y Free Website Translator