WinWarbler Configuration

WinWarbler Online Help Contents

The first time you run WinWarbler, you will be asked to enter your callsign. Once this has been completed, WinWarbler is ready for basic PSK31. PSK63, and Soundcard RTTY operation. Basic controls -- such as those that start/stop transmission, enable/disable Automatic Frequency Control (AFC), enable/disable NET operation, or log a QSO -- are located on WinWarbler's main window.

Clicking the Config button on WinWarbler's main window displays a tabbed dialog box that provides additional control of WinWarbler's behavior and appearance. 

Panels on the Configuration window's General tab let you 

Panels on the Configuration window's Display tab enable you to

Panels on the Configuration window's Push-to-talk (PTT) tab let you determine whether and how WinWarbler directs your transceiver to switch between receive and transmit modes.

Panels on the Configuration window's PSK tab PSK31 and PSK63 reception and transmission, and Settings in this panel allow you to

Panels on the Configuration window's Soundcard tab let you choose a soundcard for PSK operation if your PC has more than one, and provide a means to invoke the Windows multimedia mixer, whose controls governing the levels of signals received and transmitted via the selected soundcard

Panels on the Configurations window's Broadband Decode  tab provide control over a mechanism that can simultaneously decode and monitor up to 47 PSK signals between 100 hz and 3500 hz.

Panels on the Configuration window's RTTY tab let you

Panels on the Configuration window's External Modem tab enable you to

Panels on the Configuration window's CW tab enable you to

Panels on the Configuration window's Phone tab enable you to

External RTTY modem commands are specified in files located in WinWarbler's Modems subfolder. WinWarbler includes files for the KAM and PK232. You can modify these files, or create files for other RTTY modem models using a simple command syntax.