Welcome to WI2T's Home Page

Hi, and Welcome to Jeff's Home Page. I have a variety of interests and hope that you will find some of them enjoyable. I particularly enjoy ham radio, baseball and fishing. So enjoy the links listed below.

The R. F. Connection Your source for cable and connectors.
Potomac Valley Radio Club A Great Bunch of Guys.
JR1MAF's Super Home Page Lots of GREAT Links.
FASTBALL The best baseball link -- bar none.
Welcome to ORIOLES ONLINE My favorite team.
Welcome to Cigar Aficionado My other burning desire.
N.E.W.S. VHF WWW Sites For all you VHF/UHF types out there.

Let me know what you think about my page. .

You are visitor number since 06/10/98

Last Modified on 9/28/98