The Bargirls in Spain called me "Cobweb", cuz that's all I ever had in my wallet. I'm still the frugal type and when I needed something besides an old desk to operate my station from, I decided to build it! Now, being renters I wanted something I can remove and leave no scars. Here's what I built: (Use screws for everything.) Sit in your favorite operating chair and determine the best ergonomic operating level for the bug/key and writing pad. Determine the depth of the table for the size of your rig and the width based on other items you need nearby such as soldering Iron, scope etc. (Big pile of magazines :) :) Be sure to include the thickness of the horizontal table top when setting its height, placing your key at the best operating height. Using 3 foot or so 2x4" wood, drill for screw location and level the wood on the wall such that the table top will sit on the edge of the 2x4. Screw the board into the wall. The rear of the table top will sit on this board and is screwed into it from the top. (Counter sink screws) Now you have this: +--------------------------+ | * * * | +--------------------------+ The board is screwed into the wall studs. I then recycled the parts of particle board from an old drawer bed that had exceeded its life span and made the top by placing 2x4's from the wall outward toward the operating position, screwing the top into the lengthwise 2x4's in I-beam fashion. I then ran 2x4's from the front edge down to the floor. A 45 degree stabalizing board ran from the bottom front at floor level back to the rear top and this stabalized the legs. I added a front header board between the two table top "I" beams. I added a small piano hinge at the left (6 inch hinge) and screwed another 6 inch wide by 1 inch deep piece of wood to the hinge. This pivot board was to be supported by a kick leg at the far end where I added another hinge and an inside leg. It folds down when unused. But it usually supports the magazines/Tape/Stapler, and other misc. stuff at my left. Here's another ascii dwg: (Side view) (3 Screws Here | ) V +------------------------------------+ |------------------------------------+ || ////////////////////////// | | || ^^"I Beam"^^ |_| || // || // | || // | || // | || // | || // | || // | || // | || // | || // | <=(Wall) ||// | Here's the Kick-Leg: ||--------------------------o--(Table top)--> ||^HINGE Hinge--^ || (To Floor and Shorter than the top part so it tucks under When folded up) NOTE: The kick leg needs to be about 5 inches away from the left table-top support leg. Otherwise there is no room to store the leg. Here's the leg in the 'stored' position: (Front view) +--o--->Table top------------------ | | || | | | | || | | <=Left Table leg | | || | | | | || | | | | || | | | | || | | | | || | | | | || | | Top | | || | | Board => | | || | | | | || | | |_| || |_| O ^ / \ Hinge/ (Down-leg for extension surface.) (Shown in the UP-Position) That's it! The Table top screws are counter sunk so nothing gets scratched on the equipment when slid over the surface. I hope someone finds this little table useful. The nice part is it all unscrews when you whant to move it and just 3 small holes in the wall to spackle. Enjoy. -Ed