TubePad 6.0 Tube Chart

Quick Reference Data

Name: 6L6
Metal tube type used in the output stage of audio amplifying equipment, especially units designed to have ample reserve of power-delivering ability. This tube, like other power-handling tubes, should be adequately ventilated.
Notes: Requires an octal socket.

Beam Power Pentode

Data Source. . . . . . . . . RC-15
Heater or Filament Voltage . 6.3 volts
Heater or Filament Current . 0.9 amperes
EIA Base . . . . . . . . . . 7AC
Substitutes. . . . . . . . . 5881  7581

Capacitances and Design Maximum Values:

Capacitances and Design Maximum Values
C/in. . . . . . . . . . . .       10 pf
C/out . . . . . . . . . . .       12 pf
C/gp. . . . . . . . . . . .      0.4 pf
Plate Dissipation . . . . .       19 watts
Screen Dissipation. . . . .      2.5 watts
Maximum Plate Voltage . . .      360 volts
Maximum Screen Voltage. . .      270 volts

Typical Operation as a Receiving Tube                   

Description      Ep    Eg EgMax  Es  Is IsMax Ip IpMax  Rp   TC AF  Zl  PO
Class A Amp(Tri)250   -20    8    -   -    -  40  44  1.7K 4700 -   5K  1.4
Class A Amp(Tri)250  490*    8    -   -    -  40  42  1.7K 4700 -   6K  1.3
Class A Amp     250   -14   14  250   5  7.3  72  79 22.5K 6000 - 2.5K  6.5
Class A Amp     250  167*   14  250 5.4  7.2  75  78     -    - - 2.5K  6.5
Class A Amp     300 -12.5 12.5  200 2.5  4.7  48  55   35K 5300 - 4.5K  6.5
Class A Amp     300  218* 12.7  200   3  4.6  51  55     -    - - 4.5K  6.5
Class A Amp     350   -18   18  250 2.5    7  54  66   33K 5200 - 4.2K 10.8
PP Class A Amp  250  125* 35.6  250  10   15 120 130     -    - -   5K 13.8
PP Class A Amp  270  125* 28.2  270  11   17 134 145     -    - -   5K 18.5
PP Class A Amp  250   -16   32  250  10   16 120 140  24.5 5500 -   5K 14.5
PP Class A Amp  270 -17.5   35  270  11   17 134 155  23.5 5700 -   5K 17.5
PP Class AB1    270  125*   40  270  11   17 134 145     -    - -   5K 18.5
PP Class AB1    360 -22.5   45  270   5   11  88 140     -    - - 3.8K   18
PP Class AB1    360 -22.5   45  270   5   15  88 132     -    - - 6.6K 26.5
PP Class AB1    360  250*   57  270   5   17  88 100     -    - -   9K 24.5
PP Class AB2    360   -18   52  225 3.5   11  78  42     -    - -   6K   31
PP Class AB2    360 -22.5   72  270   5   16  88 205     -    - - 3.8K   47

Typical Operation as a Transmitting Tube

Class of Service  Ep  Es Esup  Eg EgMax Ip IpMax Is IsMax Ig Drive  Zl  Po
Class C Osc/Amp  375 200  -   -35    -  88    -   9    -  3.5 0.18   -  17
Class C Mod Amp 
         (Plate) 325   -  -   -70    -  65    -   -    -    9  0.8   -  11
* = Value of cathode bias resistor