TubePad 6.0 Tube Chart

Quick Reference Data

Name: 50
Glass tube type used in output stage of AF amplifiers employing transformer input coupling.
Notes: Requires a four-pin socket and should be mounted in vertical position with base down.

Power Triode

Data Source= R-10 & RC-15
Heater or Filament Voltage= 7.5 volts
Heater or Filament Current= 1.25 amperes
EIA Base= 4D
Substitutes= None

Capacitances and Design Maximum Values:

C/in. . . . . . . . . . . .        5 pf
C/out . . . . . . . . . . .        3 pf
C/gp. . . . . . . . . . . .        9 pf
Maximum Plate Voltage . . .      450 volts

Typical Operation as a Receiving Tube                   

Description        Ep   Eg   Es   Is   Ip    Rp    TC   AF    Zl   PO      
Class A Amplifier 450  -84   -    -   55   1800  2100  3.8  4350  4.6
Class A Amplifier 400  -70   -    -   55   1800  2100  3.8  3670  3.4
Class A Amplifier 350  -63   -    -   45   1900  2000  3.8  4100  2.4