TubePad 6.0 Tube Chart

Quick Reference Data

Name: 2E24
Glass-octal type having quick-heating coated filament used as an AF power amplifier and modulator and as an RF power amplifier and oscillator in mobile and emergency communications equipment. May be used with full input up to 125 MHz and with reduced input up to 175 MHz. Class C Telegraphy maximum plate dissipation, CCS 10 watts, ICAS 13.5 watts.
Notes: Requires octal socket and may be operated in vertical position with base up or down, or horizontal position with pin 3 and 7 in vertical orientation. Note center-tapped directly heated cathode. BF= Beam Forming, BS= Base Sleeve

Beam Power Pentode
Data Source= TT-5
Heater or Filament Voltage= 6.3 volts
Heater or Filament Current= 0.65 amperes
EIA Base= 7CL
Substitutes= None

Capacitances and Design Maximum Values:

C/in. . . . . . . . . . . .      8.5 pf
C/out . . . . . . . . . . .      6.5 pf
C/g-p. . . . . . . . . . . .     0.11 pf
Plate Dissipation. . . . .     13.5 watts
Screen Dissipation . . . .      2.5 watts
Maximum Plate Voltage. . .      600 volts
Maximum Screen Voltage . .      200 volts
Maximum Frequency. . . . .      125 MHz

Typical Operation as a Receiving Tube                   

Class of Service  Ep  Es Esup  Eg EgMax Ip IpMax Is IsMax Ig Drive Zl Po
Class C P-Mod Amp 500 180   -  -45    - 54    -   8    - 2.5 0.16   - 18
Class AB2 PP  Amp 500  20   -  -15   82 20  150 0.6   28   - 0.46  9K 54
Class  C  Osc/Amp 600  19   -  -50   71 66    -  10    -   3 0.21   - 27