TubePad 6.0 Tube Chart

Quick Reference Data

Name: 2A3
Glass tube used in output stage of radio receivers and amplifiers. Requires four- contact socket and should be mounted in a vertical position.
Notes: Requires a 4- pin socket.

Power Triode
Data Source= RC-15
Heater or Filament Voltage= 2.5 volts
Heater or Filament Current= 2.5 amperes
EIA Base= 4D

Capacitances and Design Maximum Values
C/in. . . . . . . . . . . .      7.5 pf
C/out . . . . . . . . . . .      5.5 pf
C/gp. . . . . . . . . . . .     16.5 pf
Plate Dissipation . . . . .       15 watts
Maximum Plate Voltage . . .      300 volts

Typical Operationas a Receiving Tube
Description              Ep    Eg EgMax  Ip IpMax   Rp    TC  AF   Zl   PO
Class A Amplifier       250   -45     -  60     -  800  5250 4.2 2.5K  3.5
Class A Amplifier       250  750*     -  60     -  800  5250   - 2.5K  3.5
PP Class AB1 Amplifier  300  780*   156  80   100    -     -   -   5K   10
PP Class AB1 Amplifier  300   -62   124  80   147    -     -   -   3K   15
* = Value of cathode bias resistor