The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Amateur Radio Net

         The IBEW Net meets every Saturday at 16:00 UTC on 14.327 MHz year round. The Net members are IBEW union workers comprised mainly of Electricians although all amateur radio operators may check in. The Net usually starts at 15:30 UTC to allow early check-ins of members that can not stay due to whatever reason. Check-in usually results in a report of work conditions from your Local, maybe a weather report and any other item of interest to the members.

       To become a member, You must be an IBEW Union worker or retired, and check into the Net 3 times. After 3 check-ins, send $2 (shipping and packaging costs) to the Certificate Net manager KØKVA, and a certificate will be issued and sent to you.

Click here for a printable application form.

When you check-in, you will most likely be talking with one of the following Net control stations:

      Email                         Photo



Certificate Net manager - Missouri



Records Net manager - Minnesota



Net control - Massachusetts

If you would like your photo for other IBEW amateurs to see, just email a jpeg to me and I'll place here.

Please sign the Guest Book. It is nice to see the brothers that have visited.
View the IBEW net certificate

We need another Net control operator, can you help?


Previous Net control stations



Former Net Manager - Former Net control



Silent key - April 2002.



Silent key - Nov 2002 ?



Silent key - Jan 6th 2004

While 14.327.0 MHz is our normal operating frequency, We will move + or - due to QRM and Hurricane Net activity. If there is a Hurricane Net on 14.325 MHz, we will operate at 14.328.0 MHz or higher to accommodate their operation.