Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Don, K2CZT, at 1901 hours.

There were 10 members and 3 guests present.

The minutes of the April 1 meeting were read by the Secretary. The minutes were approved as read.

Treasurer's Report - Dan, KG4DSD

Balance as of 5/5/03 is $1,094.34. This report was approved.

Public Service - Marty, N4FIZ

The Post Office Food Drive is May 10. Additional operators are needed.

On June 1, the Rotary is sponsoring a Triathlon at Ryckman Park, Melbourne Beach. A sign up sheet was passed around. Only 2 people can work it.

BEARS - Marty, N4FIZ Nothing to report.


Field Day

Don, K2CZT will not be there.

Florida Solar Energy will loan SBARC a solar panel. Marty, N4FIZ, will pick up and return. George, WA8DYA, and Don, K2CZT, will have their generators available.Dan, KG4DSD, said the rules are on the ARRL Internet. He has down loaded them but not read them. An information packet should be requested from ARRL.

Don, K2CZT, will have a work party at his house in 3 Saturdays to look at the antenna. A discussion followed on equipment and operators.


The antenna ordinance was brought before the Brevard Commission today. Reports indicate that they voted 4-1 to have no regulation for amateur radio towers. There will be two public hearings - one during the day and one at night - to hear the public's input. Dates not set yet.

Dan, KG4SDJ, asked to bring Scouts to SBARC's Field Day. This was approved.

Dan, KG4SDJ, will start ham classes on June 10, at 1900, for 8 weeks. Classes will be held at the Salvation Army Bldg. 1, 1080 Hickory St., Melbourne. Contact Dan at 698-1935

Dan, KG4SDJ, said PCARS Field Day will be at their shack in the Red Cross Building and at Rhodes Park.

Don, K2CZT, related a story on what not to do or what to do first in a relay coax box.

The raffle collected $11 and was won by Larry, KD4JRJ.

The meeting adjourned at 2013 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Leake, W4JBL
