Re: [SI-LIST] : IBIS to Spice

Philip R. Gantt ([email protected])
Tue, 12 May 1998 16:38:18 -0700

Thanks for your help. Thanks to everyone else who replied to my question

D. C. Sessions wrote:

> Philip R. Gantt wrote:
> > Does anyone know of any tools that will convert IBIS models to Spice
> > models? Also, where might such a tool be acquired? Thanks.
> This comes up regularly on the IBIS list; to date there
> are no serious candidates. Apparently a couple of SPICE
> products allow direct import of IBIS as a behavioral
> description format. Others (such as HSPICE) don't even
> try. Converting the simpler forms of IBIS to SPICE
> isn't terribly hard, and can be done with PERL scripts;
> it's the less common variants that get tricky.
> Oh, BTW: one reason that such utilities aren't widespread
> is that it seems that every SPICE simulator uses a
> different behavioral modelling language.
> --
> D. C. Sessions
> [email protected]

Philip R. Gantt   [email protected]                .           .
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