Re: Packaging Short Course flyer

Don Abernathey ([email protected])
Fri, 31 May 1996 15:37:32 -0700

I've been to one of these short courses before and I wasn't impressed.

I strongly suggest that before you sign up you answer the following:

(1) Are you looking for whats new in the industry?

(2) Are you looking for some practical tips you can use today?

(3) Are you looking for a $950 review of EE textbook material?

If you want (3), you'll probably be satisfied. If you want (1) and (2) then I
suggest you call the presenters and talk in depth about the material.

Sometimes it is hard to judge a course by the syllabus. It is three
days of your life and $1K of your company's money. Make sure this is
what you want.

Thank you |
Don Abernathey |
(503)690-6234 |
[email protected] |

On May 31, 4:28pm, Shirley Dipert wrote:
> Subject: Packaging Short Course flyer
> [ Attachment (text/plain): 12799 bytes
> Character set: iso-8859-1
> Encoded with "quoted-printable" ]
>-- End of excerpt from Shirley Dipert