Re: [SI-LIST] : Schematic entry for HSPICE

Pat Zabinski ([email protected])
Mon, 23 Aug 1999 06:48:24 -0500


For the past year or two, we've been using ViewLogic's Spice
Integration set of tools (ViewDraw, SpiceLink, ViewTrace, etc.)
to perform the same task.

For the most part, it works well. It has an simple and easy to
learn interface, the schematic entry is straight forward, can
directly write hspice-compatable decks, and allows for custom
libraries. The one point I'm not certain on is "versions management."

Overall, it has its pros (ease of use, cross-platform compatability,
etc.) and cons (customization is difficult/limited, I personally
don't like their standard libraries, plotting, etc.) like any
other tool, but I believe it's worked well for our purposes as
a GUI front end to Hspice. Again, we utilize our own form
of "versions management" outside the tool, so I cannot comment
on that aspect of it.

If you have access to it or have the budget for it, we also use
both Cadence's and Mentor's set of IC design tools as front
ends. They work as well (in fact, our folks like them better),
but they have a well defined cost ($$$) associated with them.
In particular, the Cadence front end has a built-in waveform
viewer that's quite nice and several integrated test point options
that work well.

If cost is not an issue, I'd suggest the Cadence
IC tools route (of the three we use around here). If cost
is an issue, I'd suggest ViewLogic's tool suite.


> Hello SI-list members,
> setting up and handling of signal integrity simulations above
> a certain netlist complexity by manually writing HSPICE decks
> is error-prone from our experience.
> It seems to be a safer, a more descriptive and more effective way
> to deal with schematic views.
> So I am looking for a tool or set of tools which
> * is suitable for the needs of signal integrity simulations
> * has a schematic entry
> * can write HSPICE netlists
> * has model library management and design versions management
> capabilities
> Any recommendations, advices or comments?
> What is your experience concerning this topic?
> Thanks,
> Michael

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