WB5YUZ Homepage

If you surfed on in here looking for contact information for me, you can reach me by e-mail. If I owe you a QSL, make that your subject line, and I'll get to it faster. If you need Texas for a WAS (not likely, unless you're DX), or Williamson County for County Hunters, let me know.

I've gone loopy!

I am in the process of building a family of nested loops to use for DX. Here's why.

The Radio Pages

I am also providing a link to my regular homepage, where you will see an item called The Radio Pages. This is also a work in progress, and if you are an experienced ham, please go and have a look around. Then, when you are done, tell me what you didn't see that you think would be useful.

All contents these pages ©2001 by Dan Zabcik. Page created on 01/12/01.