
Thanks Warren and Dave for speaking about Field Day and that we are not going to participate as a club this year. It has become more difficult for some of us to do the things necessary to put together Field Day.

There comes a time when it is time to call it quits. Last year WB4MZO participation in Field Day was by Warren -WD4NIT, Dave - WA4PUB, Charlie - AC4PQ, Jack - KC4I, Ollie - KE4HMN, and Larry - KB4LWT. Sue Coleman and Katelynn Coleman visited our site at Bartow Gatewood Park. Charlie - N4QET, found us via the Field Day Station Locator and dropped by to see what we were doing.
We had a good time catching up on what we and our families had been doing, swapping stories of times past, operating Charlie's ICOM rig. Charlie and Warren putting up antennas. Dave brought his generator and extra rigs. Jack and Dave took some great pictures. We had fun. But soon it was time to take down the antennas, pack up, and go.
I was very tired after Field Day. Guess I am not young any more.
A few Field Days ago, some of the WB4MZO members suggested that we meet during the year and have lunch. This year the suggestion was that if we did not participate in Field Day that we meet for lunch some time near Field Day. I think that would be a great idea.
Thanks Warren, Dave, Charlie, Jack, Ollie for making last years Field Day so much fun. Thanks to all of you who over the years have made WB4MZO Field Days such a great club event.
It has been a privilege to be part of the WEDIXIE Amateur Radio Club over the years. You guys are the Best!
A little closer to Field Day, lets get together and again catch up on what we and our families are doing, and swap stories of times past.
Stay well and keep in touch!
73, Larry - KB4LWT                                                                                                    

                                                                                                                                Posted 2/21/2011


bulletFIELD DAY 2009                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
     This year our Club again operated Field Day at Bartow Gatewood Park at Lake Altoona.  
    Six of our members participated in our Field Day effort.  They were, Larry Andrus (KB4LWT),
    Dave Budner (WA4PUB), Warren Coleman (WD4NIT), Jack Fisher (KC4I),
    Charlie Pittman (AC4PQ), and Ollie Staley (KE4HMN).
    It was a sunny day in the Park, but we had plenty of shade from the trees around our picnic shelter.
    We used them to put up wire antennas for 80, 20, and 15 meters.  Larry and Charlie brought their rigs.  
    Charlie's rig was used for 15 and 20 meters and Larry's rig was used for 80.  Dave brought his generator, 
    so we could operate both rigs on emergency power.
    The contest started at 2 PM EDT and we started taking down our antennas at 7 PM EDT.  
    Bartow Gatewood Park is a day park.  
    Dave brought some delicious barbeque and potato salad.  We all had plenty of soft drinks and water.
    We had the usual glitches, (Larry had trouble getting his MFJ Tuner to work), (Some tree branches 
    supporting an antenna broke).  But in true Ham fashion all problems were overcome.
    I just submitted our Field Day entry to the ARRL so here is a breakdown
    Band/Mode QSO Breakdown:
               CW          Digital      Phone
            QSOs Pwr(W)  QSOs Pwr(W)  QSOs Pwr(W)
       80m                             82    150 
       20m   24    150                  4    150 
       15m   20    150                  2    150 
     TOTAL   44            0           88
     Score Summary:
                       CW  Digital  Phone  Total
        Total QSOs     44      0      88
      Total Points     88      0      88    176   Claimed Score = 352
       Bonus Points:
       100% Emergency power                            200
       Set-up in Public Place                          100
       Information Booth                               100
       W1AW Field Day Message                          100
       Submitted via the Web                            50
     Total Bonus Points                                550
    Our total score was 902 points.  So we did pretty good  for the short time we operated.  
    But more importantly, we got to catch up with friends and swap stories about when we
    worked for Western Electric.
    Lots of Fun!
    73, Larry - KB4LWT

                                                                                                                                           Posted 7/21/2009                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

bulletFIELD DAY 2008

A report of WB4MZO's Field Day participation at Bartow Park at Lake Altoona.    

Our site was a shelter surrounded by trees.  It also had the parks restroom near by.  Very important for us old retired guys.   

Only four of us attended.  Dave Budner - WA4PUB, Warren Coleman - WD4NIT, Charlie Pittman - AC4PQ, and myself.  Joe Clark - WB4DDU was planning to attend but was unable to make it.   

We put up 40, 20 meter and 80 meter antennas fed with coax.  Charlie and Warren used slingshots to get monofilament fishing line over the trees and then pulled up Weedeater line to attach the 40 and 20 meter antennas.  They had been cut to be resonant on the lower CW part of the band by Charlie because he likes to operate mostly CW.  The 80 meter antenna was a broadband antenna made by Dave, who is our resident antenna expert.  While he made the antenna back in the 80's, he said that he thought the design can be found in ARRL Handbooks 2005 and forward.  When Charlie tried the 80 meter antenna,  he said it loaded right up!   

The park shelter had one long 20 ft table with benches on each side.  We operated two rigs using Dave's Generator so our exchange was 2A GA.  Charlie and I had brought some lawn chairs and we found it easier to move our transceivers to the benches and sit in lawn chairs.   

Charlie trimmed his 20 meter antenna so it would load up better in the voice part of the band.  That was to help me operate USB.  The propagation was awful and the number of people trying to use 20 meters resulted in calls on top of each other.  Charlie found really bad conditions on 40 meters.  Then we had a thunderstorm move though the park which lasted for about 45 minutes.  During that time we turned off the generator, unhooked our equipment, and tried to cover our gear to keep the rain that was blowing in from getting it wet.   

So...We put up antennas; ran two rigs on emergency power; talked to visitors about what we were doing; and made some contacts on 20, 40, and 80 meters.   The rain shower cooled the afternoon temperature so it was very pleasant.  Everyone brought their own food and drinks, but Warren grilled some hot dogs that were mighty tastey!   

Bartow Park is a day park and we had to leave by 8:30 pm.  So we started taking down our antennas and equipment around 7:00 pm.  

It was really fun.    

73, Larry Andrus - KB4LWT  

                                                                                                                                Posted 7/01/2008   


bulletFIELD DAY 2006

Field Day was nice, especially because I got a chance to see some fellows that I hadn't seen in years. They belonged to our radio club at work but weren't licensed. Since then (they both are the same age as my son, 44), they moved on to other engineering firms. And they are still interested in Amateur Radio but remain unlicensed. Anyway, they knew (from the past Field Days in the 1990s) that we usually had our setup at Carter's Lake Dam. And, they decided to come up there to see if I would still be doing that event. When I saw them, you could have knocked me over with a feather. What a sight for sore eyes, they were. And we had the same small number of followers as usually attended over the years. Yes, John, some of the attendees were: Warren, WD4NIT (BR #300), Larry, KB4LWT (BR #306), Fred, KA4TLT (BR #315) among others (including Dennis Dailey, KI4IOF, not yet a BR). Fred and another WEDIXIE ARC member, Jack Fisher, KI4I, were our photographers.

We used my Kenwood TS-440S at 100 watts and an 80M Horizontal Loop at 30 feet (above the top of the dam). The elevation there is somewhere around 1980 ft above sea level. We even discovered that 10M was open.

We probably logged many more "eyeball QSOs" then were logged towards a WB4MZO (these are the call letters we used) Field Day total. We only operated on Saturday but, we had a great time with lots of food and wonderful camaraderie.

Dennis Dailey, Fred "TLT" and I camper out Friday and Saturday nights. We got there Friday afternoon and erected the 4 - 30 foot masts then went to the camp site at about 9 PM. Then had a late night cookout (Rib-eye steaks) and got to bed late. At that, we awoke early, about 7 AM and got to the Field Day site about 8 AM. Then, we lifted the wires for the horizontal loop for the 10 AM (EST) BellRinger's Net.

We heard you and Carl easily and just about everyone else (there was almost ZERO noise on the band) but, were unable to copy Paul, AC4V.

Well, John, we had VERY HEAVY Rain and HIGH WINDS Saturday evening when we disassembled the F/D setup. YUP ... everyone got soaked before leaving for their homes. Dennis Dailey and I went back to the camp for the night, while Fred, KA4TLT opted to go home. Fred later told me that the weather conditions during his drive back home, were very hazardous (with poor visibility, lightning and high winds) and with rain all the way.

And when I got home Sunday, I was greeted with a tangle of wire from one of the parasitic elements of my 40M beam laying in the back yard. A bummer, especially because I recently had to repair the driven element a week or two before.

Well, I'll probably be off the air (or, at best, have a weak signal from a temporary antenna) for quite a while. This, because I promised my wife that I'd work on the bath room remodel project until completion, considering I haven't been doing much work on it for the past month or two.

So, please give my regards to the BellRinger troops when you hook up with them in the morning(s).

For now, 73s!

Dave - WA4PUB

PS Check with Fred, KA4TLT regarding Field Day pictures.


                                                                                                                                                      Posted 6/26/2006


bullet The ARRL 2005 Field Day has come and gone.  Our Club, WB4MZO, operated in Carters Lake Park at Carters Lake, Georgia. 

Dennis Dailey, Dave Budner, and Warren Coleman and family came up Friday and Camped out at the Carters Lake campsite.  The rest of us came up Saturday.

The following were at Field Day: 
Warren (WD4NIT) and Sue Coleman with their grandchildren Russell, Samantha, and Katie
Charlie Pitman (AC4PQ) with Son-in-Law Jim Arneson and Daughter Denise and their children Evie and Jamie
Dennis Daily (KI4IOF)
Dave Budner (WA4PUB)
Jack Fisher (KC4I)
Larry (KB4LWT) and Diane Andrus (KB4LWS).

Saturday was a little cloudy, which was perfect.  We grilled hot dogs, talked to friends, and did a little operating.

Our results have been submitted and we should get 414 points.

Thanks to all who made this years Field Day so much fun!

Larry - KB4LWT

                                                                                                                                             Posted 7/06/2005   




                                                                                                                                                          Posted 2/08/2005          

I thought that you all would like to know that today, February 3rd, 2005, our fellow WB4MZO, WEDIXIE Amateur Radio Club member, Dennis Dailey took and PASSED the FCC Technician Class Amateur Radio license, given by examiners in the Peachtree City, GA area.  They urged him to take the General Class test too, considering the old saying, "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained."  Alas, he missed by one question.  HOW ABOUT THAT!
He plans to "HIT THE BOOKS" these next few weeks, as well as practice his CW skills so that when the Dalton, GA HamFest comes (February 26th) he can take the test for the General Class Amateur License.  And I feel sure he can do it too!
Let's congratulate Dennis on getting his new amateur call letters (projected to be a "KI4 xxx"  [Kilo India 4]), which he should get about next Tuesday, Feb 8th, if the VEC examiner's comments were correct.
Dave, WA4PUB

                                                                                                                                                    Posted 2/03/2005


Field Day 2004 is over.  WB4MZO operated a station at Carters Lake.  The following club members and families were there:  Larry Andrus, Dave Budner, Warren and Sue Coleman and Grandson, Dennis Daily, Jack and Ann Fisher, and Charlie Pittman.  It was a beautiful day at Carters lake - NO RAIN! 
Dave, Dennis, and Larry put up the antenna Friday.  Dennis and Dave worked late into the evening as they were camping out at the Carters Lake Campsite and Dave wanted to be on the air by 1000 ET.  Every Saturday at 1000 Et on 40 meters (7.233) the Bell Ringers net meets.  The net is composed of people who worked in the Bell System and Dave Budner, Warren Coleman, Drake Satterfield, and Larry Andrus participate.  We were able to talk on the net from Carters Lake and got good reports about our signal.  The 80 meter Sky-Loop antenna was working well. 
Field Day operation started at 1400 ET and WB4MZO was on the air until 1800 ET.  Dennis grilled some Italian sausages putting them on a roll.  Yum!  Members and families caught up on all our happenings.  And we operated a single transmitter with one person operating and another logging the contacts.  We switched around, giving all a chance to participate.  Then we had to take down the antenna, put away the gear, and cleanup the picnic area as the park closes at night.  It was good to see all the folks and to see the our WEDIXIE Amateur Radio Club in action.  
The club made contacts on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters with the 80 meter Sky-Loop antenna.  We talked to people in Canada, California, Florida, Massachusetts, Virginia, Texas, and Ohio just to name a few locations.  So you can see the antenna gave us omni-directional coverage on many bands.  Our Field Day results have been submitted to the ARRL and our WB4MZO score will be 536 points. 
Thanks to all who made the outing much fun!
Larry - KB4LWT,
WEDIXIE ARC Secretary   

                                                                                                                                                                Posted 7/04/04


bulletThe results from the 2002  CQWE contest are in. SO region placed 8th which is very good considering there were only 3 entries from the WEDIXIE club. Jack KC4I had 40920 points, Jim K4ZTL had 16259 points and Warren WD4NIT had 1290 points. Refer to the CQWE link on the homepage.                                                                                                    Posted 2/26/03


bulletHello Everyone ...

For those of you who might not be familiar with the call letters:


They belong to the newly revitalized ....


The "Club" was actually organized in approximately 1967 and was
located on the premises of the (then newly constructed) Southern Region Headquarters of the:

                                     6701 Roswell Road,
                                           Atlanta, GA

Many of you "old timers" might remember that the Western Electric Company had the long distinction of being associated with the Bell Telephone System and the Telephone Pioneers.  The association dates back prior to the turn of the 20th century when the company was known as the Western Gray-Barton Company.  The company split into the Western Electric Company and the GrayBar Electric Company.
As Western Electric evolved, it was distinctively touted as:

The Bell Telephone System, along with the Bell Telephone Laboratories, the Teletype Corp, Sandia Corp (and others) were all owned by The American Telephone and Telegraph Co., the provider of long distance telephone service,  thus making AT&T the largest corporation in the world.

In the mid 1980s, Judge Greene ruled the AT&T was a monopoly that was to be dismantled.

As a result of that process, AT&T retained the Bell Laboratories and the Western Electric Company.  Up sprang the "Baby Bells."  The Teletype Corp, Sandia and the others became independent companies as well.  AT&T discontinued the
Western Electric Co name, instead renaming the old WE CO manufacturing branch to AT&T and placing a label on the manufactured goods reading: "A WESTERN ELECTRIC PRODUCT".

Here in Atlanta, GA, at the newly renamed AT&T facility (at 6701 Roswell Road), the former Western Electric personnel
chose to form an employees organization which they named: THE WEDIXIE CLUB.  "WEDIXIE" being a contraction of
WESTERN ELECTRIC and DIXIE (which no Southerner needs to have redefined).  The parential WEDIXIE CLUB and it's
directly associated clubs (including the WEDIXIE AMATEUR RADIO CLUB) had full company (AT&T) sponsorship.

In the late 1990s however, AT&T divested itself of their (formerly Western Electric and the Bell Telephone Laboratories)
manufacturing facilities.  They became known as the

As LUCENT'S business faltered in the new millenium, the company made many changes including drastic reductions to
employee rolls and the TOTAL ELIMINATION of their support  of theTelephone Pioneers and all of the WEDIXIE CLUBS,

In 2002, LUCENT closed the doors of the 6701 Roswell Road facility forever, and relocated what remained of their business
operation to a rented facility in Alpharetta, GA, minus the WEDIXIE ARC.

By this time, most of the amateur operators in the club had retired or left the company for other reasons.

When the original WEDIXIE ARC was active, our by-laws retained the retirees, as life members of the ARC.  We
enjoyed periodic visits from/with the retirees, during normal monthly club meetings.  Practically all of the ARC members,
both active and retired, continued our association.  Almost all participated in the club functions, especially via CQ-WE
and CQ-TP QSO Parties.  And especially during the annual Field Day event.

This brings us up to the present ....

All of the club members, now mostly retired, have chosen to be totally independent of LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES.
We have, however, chosen to remember with great pride and nostalgia, the good old days.  And the good times.  And the
WEDIXIE AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, along with the call letters of WB4MZO.

Although our active membership has dwindled somewhat, our club officers have chosen to stay on.

They are:  

Homer Perry, K4YZJ, President
Larry Andrus, KB4LWT, Secretary
Dennis Dailey, Treasurer (Working to get his license)
Jim Wallace, K4ZTL, Club WEBMaster  (Newly Appointed)
Dave Budner, WA4PUB, Trustee (Newly Appointed)

I want to take this opportunity to thank Jim Wallace, K4ZTL, for his efforts in designing the

It looks GREAT, Jim!

We invite you all to visit WB4MZO at the following address:


We also want to point out the various links Jim has included to other Web sites, such as:

"Bell Ringers", "CQWE" & "Telephone Pioneers QSO Party"

Take a few minutes of your time to visit the Bell Ringers link and Browse through it. It contains pictures of their members, some of whom you may have had QSOs with in the past.

If you have any news, information, constructive suggestions, etc., for inclusion into the WB4MZO Web page, contact either Jim Wallace, K4ZTL, or me, Dave Budner, WA4PUB. Our respective E-mail addresses are:

Jim Wallace, K4ZTL: [email protected]
Dave Budner, WA4PUB: [email protected]

WELCOME TO THE NEW WEDIXIE RADIO CLUB                                                                Posted 2/27/03