
[PC Board Traces]

Quisk + Proficio + Linux notes

  1. Install Quisk.

  2. Get the Quisk Proficio config file and copy to home directory.
  3. # This is a configuration file for the Multus Proficio.
    from softrock import hardware_usb as quisk_hardware
    from softrock import widgets_tx as quisk_widgets
    # Fix for 4K display
    graph_width = 0.3
    # add_fdx_button = 1
    freedv_tx_msg = ''
    si570_direct_control = False
    #si570_xtal_freq = 114211833
    usb_vendor_id = 0x16c0
    usb_product_id = 0x05dc
    key_poll_msec = 5
    key_hang_time = 0.7
    # key_method = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
    # key_method = "" # Internal
    #data_poll_usec = 1000 #default is 5000
    #latency_millisec = 1 #default is 150
    # RX IQ input
    # Connecting directly to ALSA device, bypassing PulseAudio, doesn't always work.
    name_of_sound_capt = "pulse:Proficio"
    sample_rate = 96000
    channel_i = 1
    channel_q = 0
    # RX audio output
    # Set to speaker output on PC
    name_of_sound_play = "pulse"
    #name_of_sound_play = "pulse:alsa_output.pci-0000_00_14.2.analog-stereo"
    playback_rate = 48000
    # Microphone input:
    # Set to mic input from PC
    microphone_name = "pulse"
    #microphone_name = "pulse:alsa_input.usb-06f8_USB_Audio-00.analog-stereo"
    mic_sample_rate = 48000
    mic_channel_i = 0
    mic_channel_q = 0
    # TX IQ output
    # Connecting directly to ALSA device, bypassing PulseAudio, doesn't always work.
    name_of_mic_play = "pulse:Proficio"
    mic_playback_rate = 96000
    mic_play_chan_i = 1
    mic_play_chan_q = 0
    mic_out_volume = 0.9	
    digital_input_name = "pulse:QuiskDigitalInput.monitor"
    # Digital sample rate fixed at 48K
    #digital_input_rate = 96000
    digital_output_name = "pulse:QuiskDigitalOutput"
    # Digital sample rate fixed at 48K
    #digital_output_rate = 96000
    # This is the CW tone frequency in Hertz
    cwTone = 800
    # Quisk can save its current state in a file on exit, and restore it when you restart.
    # State includes band, frequency and mode, but not every item of state (not screen).
    # The file is .quisk_init.pkl in the same directory as your config file.  If this file
    # becomes corrupted, just delete it and it will be reconstructed.
    persistent_state = True
    # This converts from dB to S-units for the S-meter (it is in S-units).
    # Proficio S-Meter correction: 160 = 21; 80, 60, 40 = 19; rest = 18
    correct_smeter = 18
  4. To run: quisk -c ~/