Shown to the left is the View of York Co.-Seward Co. Mutual aid tower. 300 ft tall, is also the home of the Blue Valley Club's 147.27 repeater. The tower is located north east of Waco, Nebraska
Duplexors and equipment cabinet of the 147.27 repeater system. This repeater is also linked in with Nebraska's I-80 linked repeater system, providing coverage from basically Lincoln, just east of North Platte, from a mobile.
Here is the 140 ft. tower,that
is located at Utica, Nebraska.
This is the home of the Uhf
repeater, 444.200. Tower and
repeater are located on the
North end of Utica, at the water treatment plant.
Cabinet and working parts of the 444.200 machine consists
of home brew micor repeater
cavities, and power supply.
This machine is not linked,
but is used as local repeater.