Touring South Dakota Day 2

Today we started out with breakfast at the "tin Lizzy"
casino in Deadwood, then headed south to Mount Rushmore
and Custer State Park.

Here in the new visitor's center There are Towers that hold
Four Flags each and as shown here. They are the flags of the
Various states. Arizona's flag is shown here in the forgound.

Mount Rushmore is one of the most impressive sights I have
ever beheld. It really is impossible to get a true feeling
for the magnitude and grandeur of it with out going there
and experiencing it for yourself.

Just another look before moving on. It really is an impressive
One last note, in between Roosevelt's and Lincoln's chins is
an opening that is the entrance into a hallway and cavern
(unfinished) that was originally meant to be a repository
for the national treasures of the USA. It was never completed,
and would have not been big enough in any event.

To Sturgis trip day 2 (cont.)