Show your Rig and Logos

Many logos and equipment pictures are readily available on the web. It's simple to use your mouse to click and copy the graphics, and then place them in your own template. Here are just a few possibilities:

Several ARRL logos are available to members from the ARRL web page, at


The CW FISTS club (at has agreed to the use of their logo:


So has the NorCal QRP club (at


Ten-Tec (at has agreed that you may lift logo and equipment photos from their web pages, so long as they aren't distorted except to change the size:


Kenwood has lots of neat equipment photos. Clifford Uyeda at Kenwood has agreed to their use for this purpose:



I've asked Yaesu for permission to offer their pix to you through this page, but they have not said yes or no yet. You're on your own, there. Yaesu:


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