My interests...

My favorite modes are SSB (any band), PSK31, and FM. I'm trying to stay ahead of the 8-ball on PSK31, so I've wandered a bit concerning software for that mode. My current favorite is WinPSKse, as it has a good number of features I like.
I got hooked on using SSB in the service (the Coast Guard, for those who care), as it was dirt simple and we used it all the time. I did learn CW then, but as we didn't use it much, I didn't learn to favor it. Oh well, now you know where I stand on code... The other mode we used all the time in the Coast Guard was RTTY, so PSK31 kind of replaces that now. I just need to get a soundcard RTTY program, and I'll be all set.
My operating style can at best be called "casual." I never have nearly enough time to chase DX or ragchew on PSK, so my QSO's tend to be spread apart.
I plan on joining the local RACES group at the next meeting as I have a continuing interest in public service work, and feel it is the least we amateurs can do for the public. We can all contributions to our community, and this is one I can easily accomplish.

The plans...

I plan on moving my QTH soon, hopefully not far, and want to make it a more permanent location. It would also mean that my home shack is less likely to be torn up and moved in a couple of years. Currently, in order to install another antenna I have to change the whole attic around and adjust everything. Can we say "tiresome?"
I want to DX more often, and just might start cracking out the keyer, as I would like to try my hand at DX contesting, which naturally means more CW.
A beam would be nice, but no 80' foot towers yet, just something the next step up from dipoles. I'll settle for a roof tripod and a small tribander.


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