Start by placing your finger on one of the colors to the left. Spell the name of the color you have chosen, moving your finger from color to color, moving once for each letter. Do not count the space you start on. You may move left, right, up, or down, but NOT DIAGONALLY. Keep your finger on the new color. CONTINUE

When you move, do not count the space youstart on.

I have magically determined you are not on White or Red, so have made them disappear. Now move your finger, as usual (horizontally or vertically), SEVEN times to any colors you wish. You may not move into a space occupied by an "X". Keep your finger on the new color. CONTINUE

When you move, do not count the space youstart on.

With my amazing mystery, I see most of you are touching Green, so I have made Purple disappear. Now move your finger NINE times. As before, do not move into a space occupied by an "X". Keep your finger where you stopped. CONTINUE

When you move, do not count the space youstart on.

I will make Black and Brown disappear from the screen since nobody is touching them. Now move your finger FIVE times to any colors remaining. Moving the same as before. Keep your finger where you stopped and remember the color. Now, you started where you wanted and moved where you wanted. But even though you are at a computer an unknown distance away from mine, I know exactly where you are. CONTINUE

When you move, do not count the space youstart on.

Stare in amazement! I have done it again! You are touching the color Green. You may now wipe the fingerprints (and dust) from your monitor and choose your next destination.

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