SOAPBOX comments are copied directly off the logs. There were not a lot of comments but interesting stuff...

Fri night I was hammered by 20 over rain static, got up late Sat norm. had a West Mountain Radio Xmas party Sat night and operated Sun morning, but Sun evening didn’t hear ping. It was fun, I wish I could have operated more.

Didn’t get to operate much. Had excessive line noise after about 11AM until after dark each day. Also went with the family Sunday.
Had a ball anyway and a BIG THANKS for the contest. It brought a lot of folks out of the woodwork and was a lot of fun.
Meteor Scatter and the WSJT program are a great mode and very interesting to operate.

No new grids/states, but tht’s ok. It seemed like when someone announced on Ping Jockey that they were available, I was always a click too late.

Pretty pathetic I think, but location here precludes any qso’s to the SE, SW and South. Poor excuse, but better than none!

A very good shower for the contest. Looks promising for 2003 also.

Lots of cq’g with minimum results Sat AM. Tried cq’g again for two hours Sun nite, not one return.

Not much time to work the contest but enjoyed hearing all the activity, even some QRM on 144.140 at times. WOW Maybe we can cme up with a few more contests activities during the rest of the year to spark the interest. How about a JT44 contest? Just an idea… Who knows? Keep up the good work you guys!

My station consisted or a Yaesu FT847 and a Par Omni horizontal loop at 35 ft. I used a Rascal interface to the radio and the WSJT Ver.2.2.2 software. For most contacts 60 watts was used, my longest contact was with K4FJW at 1104 kms, and I have been running WSJT for 3 days before the contest! Looking forward to the next one!

I am not a contest operator!! Just trying to give out a few contacts. Burned lots of time on poor rocks / long haul.

Tnx, Did not work much during the contest

If a rover category existed, then I’d claim 56 points – 7 qso’s x 6 grids + two grids activated!

K1UHF and K2TXB were both unscheduled, Del off of his CQ on 144.140 and Russ off of mine. Good fun and thanks for organizing the event.

I wish I had planned ahead and spent more time getting ready for the contest and spent more time operating during the contest. I couldn’t figure out how to operate unassisted and still tail-end someone. I had a great time, this is the first log I have ever sent in. Tnx

Ok west coast activity but many hours with nobody to sked and no answers to CQ. Normal Geminids conditions. High speed techniques make the Geminids a great, reliable shower. Nothing over about 1400 Km (nobody to work this time between 1450 and 2000km), but this isn’t really a long distance shower anyway. Thanks to WB2FKO for the new grid. Running 100 watts to M2 am5w 1025 feet (rover set-up). Had to take the antenna down twice due to high winds.

I was only in the contest for about an hour during the weekend.

Missed working you during the rally. I worked high power multi band (2 & 6) unassisted. Didn’t do as well as I hoped, but that’s the way it goes sometimes.

It was near imposible to tail-end qso's without the aid of the Ping Jockey. Unassisted was hard but still had some fun. All my sked (4) were failures since they were all long haul. I called cq on two meters and six but had zero replies on two meters so I claim single band status by default. Hi

I had other qso's but they didn't have the contest exchange data.

I did spend some time attempting t monitor other likely frequencies but did not find anyone. Not using PF andlimited operating time were significant disadvantages. It will be interesting to see a breakdown of assisted to unassisted participants, and to see a breakdown of unasisted participants who monitored PJ.