Awards Posting

Why Time Zones? by John N6ENU

In the interest of promoting a level playing field, we chose to divide each category by time zone. That is, for each category a certificate was awarded in the EST, CST, MST, and PST zones. While this was not announced prior to the contest, we felt this addition would offer an attempt to recognize activity by region, given operator density is sparser the further west one operates. The natural limitation on distance when operating meteor scatter isolates western operators from the concentration of eastern operators. The results this year seem to corroborate this belief as the submitted logs thinned once you hit the Great Plains and became thinner the further west you traveled.

 We hope to see more logs in the future and with the addition of time zones, there is an opportunity for winners from every region.

 Hope to hear your pings during the Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower.


Low Power Multiband VE3SCP N0PB ***** VE7DXG
High Power Multiband W5SNX K0AWU K0RI *****
Low Power Single Band KE3PL W0AMT WB2FKO *****
High Power Single Band WZ1V W9FX ***** *****


Congratulations to all ! by Tip (WA5UFH)

The NAHSMS Contest process is widely accepted by most NA meteor scatter operators, however there are a few operators who are not taking advantage of these activities. For those who participated and have enjoyed the contests we are grateful. Meteor Scatter contesting is probably something different for each individual but it should be an enjoyable time for all who joined in. Congratulations to those who received the highest scores and receive the awards but in a way we all are winners.